forgive and forget

69 3 1

"my hand?"


you start laughing

"why you laughing"

"mike, baby boy you really think that i wouldve held your hand innocently?"

he then glares at you
you walk infront of him and cup his cheeks

"you're gonna have to try a little harder than that"

he then looks behind you smiling
you turn to see a girl waving at Mike
you scoff and walk off

"where you going?"

"to class? where else"

he says something but you couldnt hear him well so you just keep walking
when you walk into the classroom
a girl waves at you and signals you to sit next to her
you softly smile and sit next to her

"hey babe"

"hey ale"

"why you look so tired"

"not much sleep and my brother wants me to come to his bar after school so bit scared too"

"oml...what did you do..."

"not me its my lil brother he told him about me and mike i suppose"

"this not gonna go well is it"

"dont be suprised if i start homeschooling"

"girl dont say that without you the school is boring asf"

"is it?"

"bruh mostly everyone comes to school just to see you and mike and whats gonna happen next its like a whole netflix show"

"stop playinn"

"im for real"

"you too?"

"aw hell yeah do you know how lucky i am to be bestfriends with you? i get more detail then anybody"

you and ale start giggling

"the two of you wont you please quiet down"

you and ale both look at ms. b and look back at eachother
you both continue laughing and walk out of class

"where do you think you two are going?"

"outta this class isnt it obvious?"

you both go out to the field then see smoke coming from under the bleachers

"am i crazy or are sum kids prob smoking weed over there"

you ask as you point towards the bleachers

"omg wanna scare them?"

"hell yeah"

you both quietly go behind the bleachers checking to see who it was first
seemed to be some freshmen and sophmores together
then you see a familiar face
it was Sean
you take your phone out and walk up to him
right as he let out the smoke you take a photo of him

"y/n what the fuck"

"excuse me? im suppose to say that not you when the fuck did you start smoking"

"does it matter"

"wait till carlos hears about thissss"

"omg bro your sister is y/n?"

"shut up cant you see we're talking?" Sean says getting up

"delete the photo"

"i probably wouldnt have even took the photo if you kept your mouth shut"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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