Chapter 5

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Wind enter the window of his room, a room with a bed where was Oikawa laying down, a machine that help him breath was placed on his mouth and nose, a sound of a Vital sign machine that monitor his life, his Mom was outside of the room talking to the doctor.

Oikawa eyes slowly opened and he saw the ceiling of the Hospital, he also heard the sound of the machine that monitors his life when he breath he feels something covered on his mouth which is help him breath normally, he slowly look around, observe what is going on.

He breathe once again "Mom..."

Meanwhile with her mom she was having a talk with his doctor.

"He will get worst and worst if this continues... He fainted, it's a life treating, please call immediately if he got heart attack and if he fainted again." The doctor said with a sad tone.

She couldn't even said anything, just a tear of drop from her eyes, her son is dying slowly how can she survive this?

She entered the room quietly as she saw Oikawa's eyes was opened, he blinks. His Mom couldn't take it and cry kneeling down on the floor, ah his dad came in and comfort he's wife.

Oikawa POV:

"I live a long and happy life, at least i got to know my teammates well..." I thought to myself, suddenly a picture of Iwa-chan came popping to my head remembering that he didn't have any clue about this.

I can feel a tear drop coming out from my eyes. "As my best friend...I know you'll be supper might even kick my ass..." I said while I chuckle but I'm also crying.

Mom is still crying and dad is comforting her. My chest hurts, will I still able to go out at this state? I can't even move my feet and hands... "Ah...this sucks"

2 Days passed. Oikawa was feeling a lot better so he came to school and wait for Iwaizumi, he still have the pain killers on his bag. Suddenly Someone approach Oikawa.

"Oi Shittykawa"

Oikawa looked back and saw Iwaizumi looked pissed.

"Oh?~ Iw–"

Iwaizumi puched him.

"What was thaat??~"

"Why didn't you come at school for two days?!"



"I- UHH I was on a vacation~"

He punched him once again and he got really beat up.

"I was..." he muttered. " I was worried, because I still keep dreaming that you fade away from that light..."


"Forget it" He walked out leaving Oikawa behind.

"That's right...Iwa-chan don't know about this" Oikawa thought to himself.

The lunch time was for students to eat and have rest from school, but Oikawa lost his appetite and didn't even drink or eat. Issei is still keeping the secret. He approached Oikawa.


"Oh?? Issei-san~"

"When do you plan on telling them? Mhm?"

"I really didn't wanna tell anyone..."

"So you really gonna keep it?"


Issei sighs. "I can't stop you"

"Actually I get hospitalized 2 days ago, my condition is getting worser Issei"

"What the fuck?"


"Don't talk like your going to be dead by tomorrow"

"Heh I might be dead later"

Issei smacked Oikawa "You fucker"

Oikawa laughed and tell Issei that he was just joking.

After school Oikawa drag Iwaizumi, their not going home, he drag Iwaizumi to the beach, Moon was bright, wind from the beach and a huge rock on the sand, a lot os stars was on the sky.

"What are we doing here?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Let's just chill here"

Iwaizumi was putted on silence when he heard Oikawa, he take he's sit on the sand and drop his bag beside him. The silence took 30 minutes, the whole 30 minute was them watching the stars and the wave from the beach.

Oikawa stands up. "Lets go"

"Alright" Iwaizumi stand up and walk away from the beach, the both of them was walking on their way home but it kept Silence. When Iwaizumi was front of their home he stoped, and called Oikawa.

"The night was awesome"

Oikawa sighs "Yeah"

Oikawa keep walking until he reached his home.

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