Santa's Little Helper

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In the spirit of Christmas, Mr Feeny is reading A Christmas Carol to the class. Shawn and Cory, however, don't seem too interested. They're too busy making funny faces at each other. As Mr Feeny reads, I continue to work on my Christmas present to the boys. Usually, we don't exchange gifts, but I have an idea this year. I'm going to hand draw the three of us.

"And it was always said of Scrooge that he knew how to keep Christmas well if any man alive possessed the knowledge may that be truly said of us and all of us. And so as Tiny Tom observed God bless us, everyone. And so ends Dickens' masterpiece, A Christmas Carol,"

"Wait a minute. That's not the end. Where's the Grinch?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah, isn't the Grinch supposed to show up now and, like, take everything?" Cory adds.

"Oh my God. You can't be serious," I groan, pushing my drawing away and putting my head on the desk with a small thump.

"How come it's called A Christmas Carol, anyway?" Shawn continues.

"Yeah. There was nobody in that story named Carol," Cory agrees.

"Open a book," I say, my voice muffled by my desk.

"I agree with Miss Montgomery. Miss Lawrence, would you please trade places with Mr Matthews?" Mr Feeny asks.

"Alright. I'm a hyperactive, underachieving, eleven-year-old boy," Topanga says.

"I meant physically," Mr Feeny corrects.

"Well that takes less of a psychic toll," Topanga says, collecting her things.

"Why do I have to move?" Cory asks.

"We were just giving our view of the book," Shawn says innocently.

"Yeah. I mean, you say literary masterpiece, we say..." Cory trails off and he and Shawn make a buzzer sound.

I finally raise my head off the desk.

"Cory, Shawnie, are you sure the two of you are qualified to judge what a literary masterpiece is and what isn't? When was the last time you read an actual book?" I ask, slightly irritated, mainly from lack of sleep.

"Thank you, Miss Montgomery," Mr Feeny smiles "Mr Matthews I'm less interested in your review than I am that you understand the material. What, in your opinion, was Mr Dickens trying to express in his Christmas story?"

"That if you're a real butthead, then neat ghosts will take you to cool places," Cory says.

Mr Feeny makes the same buzzer sound Cory and Shawn made before.


"Fish and sticks. Two things nature never would've put together," Cory says, holding up one of his fish sticks.

"What'd you get?" I ask, pointing to Shawn's paper bag.

"Peanut butter and jelly. Two things nature couldn't keep apart," Shawn shows us his sandwich.

"Since when did your mom pack you lunch? I thought you liked fish sticks?" Cory asks.

"I do, but I think it's cruel how the little fish scream when they rip their sticks off," Shawn replies.

"Here, Shawnie, I'll trade you," I say, pushing my tray towards him.

"Thanks, Liv," Shawn smiles, handing me his sandwich.

Cory rolls his eyes at the interaction.

"May I sit down?" Stuart asks.

"No," Cory and Shawn say in unison.

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