Wait What.

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writers note: I'm starting this book again due to a better idea. so hopefully you guys enjoy this.


current location: boar hat tavern   

it was a normal morning in the tavern. Well as normal as it could get. ban and meliodas was still sleeping while Elizabeth,merlin,Diana,gowther,escanor and King were getting ready for the Kings 74 birthday. But All thoughts immediately came to a stop when there was two shouts which was almost is sync. Everyone jumped and made there way upstairs. There stood...

A teenage boy and child that couldn't be older than 8. Everyone stood there. Then the child began to speak.

"MERLIN DID YOU DO THIS" the child shouted.

Everyone stood there. All of the sudden merlin burst out laughing.

"captain of corse I didn't. What happened" merlin told him trying to keep her self from laughing

Then everyone put the puzzle together.

"wait captain. Oh but that makes him" king pointed to the teenager "ban"

King then bursted out laughing. "wha-t happened to you guys"

meliodas then crossed his arms and looked at ban.

There everyone stood for a few minutes in till ban finally said something

"I could do with a bottle of ale" everyone just looked at ban who pushed passed them and headed down stairs. Almost all of the sins headed down stairs except for merlin and Elizabeth who waited for meliodas to go ahead of them. But instead he just stood there arms crossed and bottom lip out.

"let's go captin, we don't have all day"  merlin told the boy

"no I don't want to" meliodas said in a childish tone

Merlin sighed before walking towards meliodas and picking him up.

"Merlin put me down RIGHT KNOW"meliodas commanded while kicking his legs and trying to wiggle out of merlin arms

"captin all due respect but if you kick me one more time I will make you sit in the corner like a child" merlin told him in a non enthusiastic voice.

"then put me dowwwwwn I'm not a babbbby" meliodas said but immediately stopped speaking when he heard is voice

Elizabeth couldn't keep it together no more and let out a loud "awww". Meliodas gave her a death stare. Before realising wiggling out of merlin arms and heading down the stairs.

Merlin and Elizabeth just looked at each other before making there way down the stairs.



"so you woke up like this and have no idea who could of done it" merlin asked

"hm hmm"  ban hummed in response as he ate his porridge.

"same with you meliodas?" merlin asked but reseaved no answer.

Merlin turn her head to were meliodas was sat and found him feeding his porridge to hawk. Merlin let ut a smirk then turned her head back to ban.

"sins and Elizabeth I need all of your attention on me" everyone turned and looked at merlin except meliodas who was trying to sneak outside but was caught in his tracks and was picked up by diana.

Meliodas sighed in response but Diana was happy to finally hold him.

Merlin then brought the attention back to her "as you all know meliodas and ban have been. Well deaged and from what information I have gathered. I have concluded that meliodas's mind has been affected by the deaging spell which means its proboly best if we keep him away from the ale" merlin turned to look at meliodas who was fighting his way out of Diana's arms.


"captain all due respect you did try to leave without anyone watching you" merlin told him in a scoulding way

"yeah BUT I'm the oldest one here which makes it okay" meliodas defended.

Everyone sighed before meliodas quickly kicked diana in the leg and ran.

"meliodas that hurt" diana screeched

Merlin gave a small nod at ban who then got up and chased after meliodas. Everyone except Diana giggled as ban walked in holding meliodas by the collor.

"meliodas I think you owe Diana a apology" ban told him rather than suggesting. However meliodas refused and crossed his arms. Merlin grabbed the bridge of her nose before taking meliodas off ban and placing him in the corner.

"meliodas if you want to act like a child your about to get treated like one, therefore intill you apologise to Diana you will stand in the corner. You got it captin" merlin scolded 

Meliodas looked at Diana then Elizabeth.

"Elizaabethh" meliodas said and made sure it sounded sad

"I'm soory sir meliodas but your not getting out of this one unless you apologise to Diana" Elizabeth told him.

"it's her fault she wouldnt put me down." meliodas protested but obeyed stayed in the corner. 

Everyone then sat down and started figuring out a plan. "sir king, do you think that you could make meliodas a outfit to wear to the party." Elizabeth asked

"of corse il start right away princess" King replied and immediately got to work

"I took the opitunity to see what was wrong with the captin" everyone looked at gowther who was know speaking "he seems to be what some people call cranky. The reason behind his 'crankyness' seems to be due to hunger and tiredness" everyone looked at the captin and sighed.

Merlin was the first to ask "captin what do you want to eat" however meliodas ignored her.

Merlin thought for a second before saying "if you want to prove that your responsible then you would tell me what you want to eat bu-" merlin was then cut off

"can I have candy floss" meliodas asked with hope in his eyes.

Luckily Elizabeth stepped in "sir meliodas you can't have candy floss for breakfast it would make you sick , but why don't you have a banana"

"okay" was all meliodas said while taking the banana from Elizabeth's hand and started to eat.

"however captin you still owe a apology to Diana" King added

"nope" meliodas said with a mouth full of banana

"meliodas you are being impolite and if you do not apologise then you will not be going to the party" merlin added. Meliodas immediately powted and crossed his arms

This is gonna be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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