"the fall"

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"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.”

So in the garden of eden
Forbidden fruit was eaten

For sin of adam & eve, Morningstar was blamed
Maze knew that ,Lucifer will be defamed

The hard time came
An action of shame

eve  doomed to mortality
Lucifer will be villain of Christianity

The decision was taken
Lucifer thrown from the heaven

Jury came to conclusion like " kane and abel"
But god only knew wat lucifer would be capable

It wasn't just punishment
It was his duty..
He will be lord of hell
Definitly,,...FATE HAS ITS OWN BEAUTY...

Adam- eve  sent to the earth
A long race of humanity about to birth..

For eve, maze had empathy
they were one soul
The celestials had telepathy
They forever remain whole

When Everything seemed to be falling apart
genesis of humanity was about to start

The world remain pure..
Lucifer had to make sure
From the demons ,,from wicked souls
He was only world's cure

To claim the hell's throne
this Devil was born

Thats why begun the supernatural game
With fire in his eyes
evil shivered from his name

Lucifer played his role
He feeded on the darkness
From up in heaven
God feared  devils madness

To calm the devil
It needed a sweet evil
Who can restore the emotion
And protect from every Scar
So..God sent the MAZE

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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