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Harry was in such a giddy mood after the last chapter that it took him a little longer than usual to settle down and try to read, putting all of his delays on this one feeling, and refusing to admit that now that school was coming to an end, he knew he should remember something that he'd been ignoring all year.

"Can't believe it didn't last for months," James beamed, still unable to knock the pride out of his voice, not that he was trying.

"But of course that's the time exams are set," Sirius muttered in disgust.

"You're starting to give me flashbacks," Remus sighed, rubbing his forehead in that remembered pain.

James spazzed and then pretended to faint in shock, while Sirius 'broke down' crying about how he was so disappointed in them.

Lily and Harry couldn't help giggling along at the pair of them, while Remus looked about ready to join in except he couldn't do anything to theatrical with the baby in his lap.

"Alright, I'll give them a pass for that," James nodded, coming out of it.

"Yes fine, just this once," Sirius nodded in agreement as he wiped his eyes.

"Really wish that was a joking title," Lily muttered in remembered disdain of how accurate it was.

"Whelp, there goes that good mood of his, that he had for five seconds," Remus rolled his eyes.

"Oh bloody hell," James winced, remembering all over again the amount of tests that girl had to cope with.

"Still don't comprehend how you could give up on that," Sirius asked, knowing he'd pester the girl to no end until he got his answer.

"Don't I know it," Remus sighed, Sirius having pestered him to no end when he realized he'd been hiding something, and not having let up until he figured it out.

Lily went cross-eyed at the thought of one exam in the morning and one that evening, let alone double it!

"Well can you blame her?" Harry asked with a bit of an edge, remembering those moments a little too well.

"Right," Sirius said with a frown, drawing out the word past its normal syllable count. He wasn't questioning that part any more than before, just how she was bleeding doing it.

"That's when you ask again," James pointed out.

"And again," Sirius seconded.

"Until she's told you after the millionth time you ask," James concluded.

"Trust them on this," Remus said with a suffering sigh, "they have way too much experience on that front."

"It's good he's branching out into subjects he isn't taking," Lily muttered, thinking he was quite brave to poke fun at her at a time like this.

They all perked up again, though without much hope. They all knew what was coming, as nothing had changed.

"Guess that's kind of a good thing, you might could sneak out and see him," James muttered without any enthusiasm, knowing if they could they would have done it already.

"Ugh," Lily muttered in disdain, thinking that wasn't any kind of professional at all.

"Why, would Hagrid know that?" Remus asked, going just that little bit paler from shock at this blatant disregard of Hagrid's rights for his appeal.

"Maybe he does have a friend at the Ministry that warned him," Sirius said listlessly, the reason didn't matter, it still made him see red with anger.

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