Into the woods (Part 1)

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                     It's been a rather long couple of years since you had started to work for The Menus Dextra Foundation and it hasn't been what you hoped for. You thought when you were finally accepted into this facility things would be more interesting. But instead you were put on desk duty for months before you got tasked with a mission. Mission came and went, but not once did you ever get the chance to see any of the creatures or beast they swore you and your team were hunting. Now years later, you have come to the belief that you were just used as some way to get Intel on the areas where your team had been sent.

                    You had received a message for yet another mission this time in another thick forest area. The Philippines could be fun, or at least you thought so. It wasn't like the others though, mainly because the nearest village would be dozens of miles away from the drop site. In utter confusion you had agreed to go with the team earlier that morning. It's been a few hours since then and you were currently sitting in a plane, looking over the map that was littered with pinpoints and circled areas. Notes read out 'last spotted here' or 'evidence found here'. The notes had provided enough info to give the team a rough idea of where to land and start looking. But you haven't been informed of what you were hunting yet. Looking around, you spotted the team lead waving for everyone to gather close.

                     Doing as told, you stood next to the other five members of the team. All of them looking just as befuddled as yourself. Looking to the team lead as he took his helmet off. He wasn't exactly what people expected (and yes I'm calling out all y'all fan beans thinking if the dreamy soilder boyo). He was tall, nice tanned skin, well kept brown hair and beard, muscular figure and one very lovely green eye.... yes one lovely green eye. His other eye was a milky white as scars went from the back of his head all the way across his face and down his neck, all in all whatever did this should have killed him. He was also missing a leg and a few fingers. He looked more grotesque then handsome, but the team did trust him with their lives including you.

                      He seemed to be looking for something in a file he was holding which left you all in suspense. That was until the team member next to you spoke up asking, "What are we hunting Russel?" The team leader looked up in response of his name being called before saying. "I was just getting to that. Take these and pass them around. " he handed a small pile of pictures to the person next to him before continuing. "Have any of you ever heard of the Wisconsin Batman, Mythika, Nightwings, Ahool...... You know man bats or humanoid or colossal bats?" Russel looked about the group to see who had any idea about what he was talking about. Of course you knew of some of the names but assumed they were all different in some way.

                      But just as you go to speak up, of course you get caught off by the one guy who Google's everything. There is one on every team no matter how hard you try to run from them. He started shouting. "Sir they already proved those to be a myth! I mean look at this pic, it's the giant fruit bat they found in asia! You can't expect us to just go on a hunt for a creature everyone knows isn't real." Only get one of the sternest looks from Russel as he snaps back with, "again with the phone Liam? I thought I told you to keep that shit to yourself unless it's actually useful. " which in turn caused the guy now known as Liam to visibly shrink back from the man. "They haven't been proven to be fake. And you would think working for the foundation you would have learned that by now they are amazing with cover up bullshit." Russel added. But hearing this only made you put your head down and mumble out, "... doesn't help that our team is the only one in the foundation to have yet seen any of these creatures..." Upon hearing this, the team had gone quiet as Russel spoke up again. "Listen, I get it. You are all itchin' to nab a monster or spot a boogey man but sometimes it's best we don't have to deal with any of these creatures. In fact I count us as the lucky ones."

                             You were about to argue as you looked back up at Russel before taking into account his scars. Now realizing he was speaking from experience. You gave him a small nod as he returned it before he asked yet again. "Now... You have seen all the photos provided, and I don't want to hear any Google wiki answers..." Russel shot Liam a glare for a moment which the guy in turn did a small nervous smile back. "Have any of you done any kind of research on these creatures?" He looked around the room at everyone as they seemed to be in deep thought. 

                               Hesitantly, you spoke up. "I have sir." Was your only responce on the matter as every one turned to look at you. You spent the next few minutes explaining that they were large bat like creatures and the only really known info on them is that they very territorial of their caves, fed at night, and in some reports there are some with powers. The rest of the team nodded in understanding before going about their business  to wait until they landed. You all still had some time to wait before the landing so you took this as an opportunity to get to know the crew more. Most trips you just were either nervous, or they took longer to discuss what was going on.

(This is going to be the first choice to pick. You can choose any of the following)
●Talk with Russel
●Talk with Liam
●Do research on the bat creatures

(Whatever has the most in the comments is what the next chapter is going to be)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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