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"Surprise!" Gemma cheers, spreading her arms.

Harry blinks at her and at Zain, who looks like he's been dragged across the ocean against his will, looking miserable and like he hasn't slept or shaved in days.

"Hi?" Harry says, stepping back to let them inside. "Did I know you were coming?"

"No," Gemma says, pulling Zain with her and smacking as kiss to Harry's cheek as she pushes past him. "This is an emergency intervention."

"What do I need an intervention for?" Harry asks confused. "I thought they only did that in movies."

"Dunno," Gemma shrugs. "It's not for you anyways," she adds, shaking Zain's arms. "This one got dumbed and has been miserable ever since."

Harry's stomach squirms hopefully. It's ridiculous because he's got Max now, and he likes Max. Being with Max was easy and nice and Max wasn't his sister's best friend and apparently miserable after a breakup.

"I'm not miserable," Zain grumbles.

"He hasn't showered in three days," Gemma tells Harry, unconcerned.

"Because you dragged me from the house yesterday and we've been on a plane ever since," Zain complains, rolling his eyes at Harry. "Hi," he says, his eyes impossibly large somehow. "Save me, please."

Harry smiles at him, his insides squirming. "Of course," he says, hoping his voice comes out evenly. "Come on, I'll show you the guest room. I have two, so you don't even have to share with Gemma."

"Thank God," Zain sighs earnestly, pulling his hand from Gemma with a slight glare.

Gemma smirks triumphantly, like she got her way. It makes Harry wonder what Zain's been like if his grumpy self made her look like she's won.

"You wanna talk about it?" Harry offers, pushing the door to the guest room open and crossing the room to open a window. It's clean and neat but even with the cleaner coming by twice a week and airing out the room, the air has that stale unused quality to it that could only be remedied by someone actually living in it.

"Not really," Zain shrugs, looking around the room passively.

Harry waves a hand towards the side to break the awkward silence. "Bathroom is through there. Everything should be there but call if you need anything."

"Kay," Zain nods and drops his bag by the bed. Harry nods once more and leaves him to it, hesitating in the doorway. Zain hadn't been the most active or explorative person Harry's ever met, but it wasn't like him to just stand there, either, his shoulders slumped and looking at his bag like it held the mysteries of the universe.

He pulls himself away. He doesn't actually know Zain enough to push him - except maybe he does. He bites his lips and slips into Gemma's room. There was still time, and Zain should settle in a bit either way.

Gemma looks up from unpacking. "Here for the gossip, are you?"

"Maybe," Harry shrugs, closing the door behind him. "Why are you dragging him around half the globe after a breakup? Has it been that bad?"

"He took it hard," Gemma shrugs. "And he needed a change of scenery. Would have preferred if you weren't there, but you've got a boyfriend at least, so I should hope we're good on that front."

"Yea," Harry lies, because he's not too sure, especially now that he's seen Zain again. "I'm actually going over to Max's later, are you gonna be alright on your own?"

"Sure," Gemma says, looking at him in amusement. "We'll be fine. I. didn't drag him here so you could entertain us, it was just that he needed to get away and your house was the only thing I could think of this short term. But pretend we're not even here, if you'd rather."

"Gemma," Harry sighs, annoyed. "I haven't seen you in ages, Of course I wanna spend time with you even if you turn up without warning."

"Good," she shrugs. "I wanna spend time with you as well. But you can also go and see your boyfriend if you want. And honestly, it'll take a day or two until Zain and I are gonna be over the jet lag anyways."

"I'll try and be back tomorrow morning," Harry says, ignoring Gemma's smirk. "I was just gonna make rice and veggies for lunch, are you good with that?"

"That's fine," Gemma shrugs. "We can just order pizza, though."

"I'll cook. Come down when you're ready. And bring Zain. He was a bit- passive just now."

"I know how to look after him, Harry," Gemma sighs, shooting him a shrewd look. "Don't fuss."

Harry leaves before she can start reading more things from his face that he'd rather she didn't. His sister knowing him was both a blessing and a curse, but at the moment, he'd rather she couldn't. He wasn't even too sure about what he was feeling himself.

It would be good seeing Max later, getting away from Zain and the surprise of him would be good. Being with Max was easy and he always out Harry in a good mood. It would all sort itself out and tomorrow the surprise of seeing Zain again after so long would have worn off and he'd just be a hot friend of Gemma's.


By popular request, Harry's got a boyfriend now... hehe

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