way 2- turtle tail

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**tail quivering with anticipation** Larchkit: "Today we will be getting more siblings by- **makes a show of looking at the roster** - I mean through- Turtle tail?

Ferncloud: **incredulously** "What?! You want to make me pop out more kits with a turtle snapping off my tail? I only want my kits to be siled by my precious Dustpelt!"

Larchkit: "No mommy don't be angry I was talking about the ancient cat; Gray Wing's first mate."

Ferncloud: "Oh I remember the out-of-his-world genius who somehow managed to respect his atrocious brother for practically his entire life-" Ferncloud cuts off as her heart leaps into her throat when her mate bounds over, his elegant fur streaming around him like billowing dust.

Dustpelt: "Don't tell me you like this Gray Wing wonde over mer."

Ferncloud: **fervently** "NEVER!!"

Icecloud: **remembering her ancient futile crush on Lionblaze** "Remember how Gray Wing failed to notice Turtle Tail affection until after she hooked up with a baleful kittypet? Gross! Thankfully it didn't happen between you as Sandstorm had just been an apprentice skirmish that instantly fell head over beanie-toes for Firestar instead of you."

**exclusive scene from the past**

Turtle Tail narrowed her eyes as she saw the silhouette of a cat racing towards the twolegplace; towards the spot she sat on her housefolk's fence. As the figure drew nearer, Turtle Tail was able to make out who it was.

Turtle Tail: **panting as breathless as a pregnant queen despite how single and dejected she was** "Storm..."

When the she-cat's shadow had encroached close enough, Turtle tail instantly noticed her rounded flanks. She tasted the air and a waft of the ethereal aroma of gentleness hit her unprotected nose. It felt like a million rose thorns had pierced her heart at that moment.

Turtle Tail: **with the phrase sitting heaving on her dried tongue** "How's Gray Wing?" However, she instantly shut her agape mouth when she discerned distress in the expecting queen. I'm no queen and I don't think I'll ever be happy enough to be one but even I know that disheveledness can't be good for unbornkits.

Storm: **seeming to notice her crestfallen spirit** "Clear Sky is their father" With an effort, Storm managed to allow ardent fondness to seep into her voice and replace her contempt.

Instantly, Turtle Tail's fur was on end in mocking ribald excitement.

Turtle Tail: **addressing Gray Wing** "I'm not normally an immoral or insensitive cat, but HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH YOU NOW KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH **face twists as she imagines Gray Wing sulking back to Tall Shadow's camp with his tail dragging despondently behind him**

Storm: **tips her head to the side** "You liked Gray Wing?"

Turtle Tail: "Mouse dung did I say that out loud?"

Storm: **contently sighing and mulling** "Gray Wing sure was dedicated to earning my trust during our early days. It was a shame that his brother was able to snatch away all of that allocated affection in a split second. In a heartbeat I found myself choosing an unsophisticated and short-sighted tom over his worthwhile and promising brother. I don't know why I still experience vestiges of love for his facetious brother, but I do... You made a good choice with Gray Wing, one that I didn't and still feel practically nothing for."

Turtle tail: **thinks to herself** "I wonder what hurts more, having a newly-introduced rogue steal your love interest who you've lived beside since kithood, oor having your very own brother- with their recent late pregnant wife on their minds- plunder your crush who you'd gone grueling lengths to earn the trust of."

**Inevitably, a series of events later lead to Storm finding herself in a fateful garage to be bulldozed**

Hollykit: **with mischief lighting up her eyes at her sister's claim** "Then Turtle Tail perished before the two could make any rightful kits together?"

Larchkit: **recalling Quiet Rain's commendation that the elders spoke of** "Other than for Slate, his rapidly formed second-wife, all his kits were adopted."

Shrewpaw: "Our father was a natural, unlike my littermate."

**the kits shoot uniform curious glances toward parents**

Dustpelt: **biting Ferncloud's ear** "Let's cherish our limited time together even in Starclan"

Ferncloud: **bats at nose playfully**

Hollykit: **encapsulated** "I've never heard of a renown cat having their third litter with the same tom."

Larchkit: **fizzing with amusement** "Indeed our mother- dedicated beyond her life to the precious nursery- died before she could conceive her fourth litter."

Shrewpaw: **thinks to himself** "Just like I could no longer taunt or pursue Squirrelflight after I died.. Just like I could no longer prove that I'm nothing like my uncle- Ashfur - when I'm rejected. Squirrelflight was really a whiny baby, first irritating her husband and then not realizing that the pair were only conflicts of one another."

Hollykit: **dazzles magic on her amorous parents and ignoring the redundant Shrepaw** "For today, cats in Starclan can give birth."

Larchkit: **hopping around erratically** "We're going to have our fourth litter of siblings!"

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