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Wang Yibo was quiet all through the ride back home. He told his manager that he was too tired to be part of the victory celebrations and requested to head home. As soon as he was dropped off at his apartment and his bodyguard left him, Yibo changed, put on a hat, glasses and mask and got out of the apartment through the back entrance. He entered the garage and took his bike out to ride to Xiao Zhan's house.

He did not try calling him to ask how he was doing. He needed to see him, even if Xiao Zhan was not willing to meet him. He wasn't even sure if Xiao Zhan was town or even still living in the same apartment. But nothing was going to stop him for reaching out to Xiao Zhan tonight.

When Yibo got to Xiao Zhan's place, he again bypassed the front entrance to avoid any snooping fans. When he got to the apartment, he hesitated knocking on the door. He paused for a few minutes to think..he was scared that Zhan would be angry or not see him or even shut him out completely. But nothing mattered to him anymore and he knocked..holding his heart in his hand.

There was no response. May be he isn't home? May be he's staying with his parents? May be this is not the right place? A thousand thoughts ran through Yibo's head in an instant.

But he kept knocking until he heard footsteps inside. He got anxious called out.

"Zhan ge! It's me... Yibo"

There was no response from inside and Yibo was horrified that he gave his identity away to some strangers. But the door opened in the next moment.

"I think I told you to stop doing this Wang Yibo" Xiao Zhan frowned.

As much as he was looking gorgeous Xiao Zhan's disheveled attire, his drunken state and the bags under his eyes scared Yibo.

"Sorry ge.. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to see if you are doing okay. I...I just heard today...I came as soon as possible...I'm so sorry for what's happening...if I can do.." Yibo kept rambling when Xiao Zhan shut the door on him.

"Go away Yibo. I'm doing fine and I don't need you here" Xiao Zhan shouted from across the closed door.

" pls..let me in..please I won't be long...please open the door ge"

"Please just go Yibo. It's not good for you if someone sees you here"

"I don't care about that. Just please let me pls" Yibo pleaded but Xiao Zhan remained adamant.


"Ge..I'm not going to leave from here until you talk to me. I hope you are listening because I will be waiting here until you open the door..even through whole night if I must"


"Ge..are you still listening? I know I promised to stay out of your life but I also promised that I would be there for you when you need me...So here I'm ge...just please talk to me once"


Yibo waited by the door patiently for Xiao Zhan to let him in. After a while, he could not hear any noises from inside and assumed Xiao Zhan must have gone to sleep. But he was not going to give up after coming this far, so he settled himself by the door...he would wait however long it takes for his Zhan ge to let him back into his life.


On the other side of the door, Xiao Zhan was fighting his urge to open the door and let Yibo in. But he couldn't risk it, he couldn't bring Yibo down with him. This was not the he waited for Yibo to grow tired on his own and head back home. He knew that Yibo was stubborn but he still hoped he could come to his senses after an hour or two of waiting. So he also sat by the door waiting for Yibo to leave.

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