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raider hated edtwt with a passion. nothing annoyed them more than ed's existance. they insult ed and spread lies about them without any evidence to back it up.

ed on the other hand liked raider, something about their mysterious aura attracted ed.

both raider and edtwt new hardly anything about each other, so it was unusual that they had such strong opinions about each other.

they lived in completely different worlds. it was like a invisible wall was between them.

ed never understood why raider hated them so much, so on the 27th they decided to speak to them.

edtwt knocked on raiders door, after a couple seconds raider opened the door. "what the hell do you want fag" raider sneered

"you." ed replied before slamming his lips on raider. edtwt pushed raider inside and slammed the door behind them. the kiss lasted a couple minutes before raider forcefully pushed away.

"w-what was that" raider said, panting after every word.

"i want to know why you hate me,"  edtwt stated. staring right into raiders eyes. "please, i want to know"

edtwt  x raider / tiktokWhere stories live. Discover now