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raider starting shaking and tearing up, they collapsed onto the floor sobbing their heart out. edtwt kneeled down and put their hand on raiders shoulder. "i d-dont know why i-i h-hate you" raider chocked through tears"

edtwt hugged raider, much to their surprise. raider could not fathom why edtwt was being so nice to them. pity? maybe..love? raider decided to ask, "why? after everything i've done...why be so nice to me..?" raider tensed up "i said why god damn it!!"

edtwt chuckled at raiders words and said smiling, "because i love you."

raiders eyes widened "really? you mean it?"

"nah sike bitch kys" edtwt said

"but you kissed me?" raider spoke, heartbroken

"kissing burns 2 calories per minute dumbass" edtwt spat

edtwt proceeded to do the wap right then and there, before walking out the door and passing out on the driveway due to severe malnourishment.

edtwt  x raider / tiktokWhere stories live. Discover now