fully dressed

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Ben woke up scared, he didn't get much sleep because it would be his first time going into school in a skirt.
He saw it on the end of his bed and he shivered.
"Ben, I've set your uniform out on the bed, are you ok you barley spoke last night" asked his mum
"Im just scared thats all"
"Oh, well dont be, I'm so proud of you for being yourself, anyway it's only a handful of kids"
Ben shrugged and got up.
"Hey, should I do your makeup, not alot, just enough to go to school in"
Ben knew freya wanted him to wear makeup so after he ate his mum did his makeup.
"What do you think"
"It looks great thanks"
He again hated it but didn't want to hurt his mums feelings, she was so happy since ben 'came out'.
"Oh you should put on some of those knickers I gave you" suggested Ben's mum, "just for the skirt"
Ben had to wear them as he was wearing a skirt.
He put them on and actually thought they were nice and soft. But when he put the tights in he hated them, it was liek they were trapped on his legs and the skirt wasn't much worse either.
He put on the blouse, blazer, got his pe kit and set out to school.

"Ben over hear" shouted freya seeing him outside of school
"Omg, you look adorable I'm so happy for you" squealed freya seeing him in makeup and the girls uniform
"Oh, thanks"
"So, will you be doing pe with us, I hope so" said Jessica
"I haven't heard anything but I am wearing the girls pe kit"
"Ooooh, so maybe"
Ben likes the company of the girls as they were better friends than his old ones but he hated what had happened because of them. If he just said it was an accident he wouldn't have to fake being trans but he didn't so he was now a girl in their eyes.

As he was walking into form, the headteacher mr bradshaw stopped him and took him to his office.
"So ben, I've had a call form you mum and we understand, and are supportive of you. Now as you are a girl you will have to use the girls bathroom, girls changing rooms and do the girls pe lesson, understand" explained mr bradshaw.
He couldn't believe it, his mum had told the school that he was trans and now there was nothing left, he felt as if he should just give up.
"Yes sir"
"Ok, now am I right in thinking that your pronouns are she/her"
"Ok, well of anyone says anything bad just tell a teacher, we are all aware and ate happy to help with anything we can"
"Ok thanks"

Ben went back to class and everyone was staring that him.
One boy started laughing and he was sent to the headteachers office.

He got stared at all day and when he got into the changing rooms for last period it got even worse.
"Oh my god Ben you look so cute in your skirt" mocked Mollie
"Oi shut up, shes a girl now so treat her like one" shouted freya
Ben just stayed quiet and got changed.
When he got in the gym he was told to pair up with freya for gymnastics.
Ben didn't find that as he was quite slim and flexible and was actually quite good with freya.
"Good work ben" complimented mrs Thatcher

It was last period so they just had to put their blazer on and leave.
"Hey ben your really good" said freya.
"Oh thanks, your good aswell"
"No I'm serious, hey do you wanna try cheerleading, just us two together"
"I'm not sure"
"You will be great, can you do it, for me" said freya convincingly.
"Ok fine" he said
Freya screamed in excitement as they were walking home. Ben went straight home but freya walked past his house on the way.
"Oh ben, you look pretty" said his mum
"So, i was thinking that tomorrow, we could go.out and do some shopping, to help you settle in"
Ben didn't like the idea of shopping but didn't want to disappoint his mum so agreed, anyway how bad could it be.

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