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Initial questions:
1. Can I write a realistic romance involving Illidan?

2. Can I answer what he's doing with the Throne of the Titans to my satisfaction?

3. Can I keep everything within the rules of Warcraft, but still be creative?

1. Sorta. It's an adventure WITH romance in it.

2. To mine and mine alone...

3. It may be creative but I'm sure it breaks a thousand rules.

I don't like to write romances of instant attraction across a room, and I wanted to stay away from using Kor'vas, Tyrande, or Maiev as romantic interests.

As much as I like Kor'vas, I wanted to write a character who is his equal. Not a former student of his.

I wanted to write a character capable of cultivating some semblance of a healthy romance with him, even if it is limited by his station. I am not interested in the obsession he has with someone who never asked to be girlfriend-zoned. (I also have not kept up with her Shadow Warrior Arc, nor the nature of her relationship with Malfurion).

I am also not interested in pairing him with someone who hates him, though that could be a fun and worthy challenge.

Azeroth remains the pivotal Worldsoul. Whatever adventures the crew of Dreamfoil encounter, that will be a constant. Weaver's Worldsoul is small, despite a similar physical planet size to that of Azeroth, and they will not encounter anything that the beings of Azeroth would have necessarily noticed. There will be small insertions that the player believably did not notice or could not have known.

I did not read Stormrage. One day I will be that thorough.

This was written before the first patch of Shadowlands. It will become nonsensical at some point as Illidan is inevitably brought back. Maybe it already is.

In the end, it is less a romance and more a piece of fantasy-sci-fi adventure with romance in it.

Open to constructive feedback. I am much more interested in feedback regarding pacing and plot structure, rather than ways I may contradict WoW lore (though that is also interesting). Please do not twist the knife. I am just a bug.




A thousand parsecs from Azeroth, there is a planet-sized moon in the embrace of a purple gas giant. Weaver's orbit is stable, and so are her sister moons. The giant keeps her wild, ripping, permanent storms to herself. They see her, full-faced, hanging just behind the cloaks of their atmospheres, if they have them, casting an eery purple light that brightens up their nights, and makes her absence stark.

Weaver has hung alone, spinning dead in her orbit, for tens of thousands of years. The last visitor made sure of it. Today, somebody is here. Though nobody is supposed to know what Weaver is, let alone be setting up what appears to be a camp beneath their ship.

A Legion ship, but not Demon-piloted. Whoever stole it has gutted and retrofitted it completely. Arcane, rather than Fel, powers it, judging by the signatures.

Curious. His Task can wait a moment. He ignores the suggestions of the Titan-crafted necklace sitting on his sternum.

He supposes it's possible that people would travel to Legion-occupied planets thinking to sight-see, or collect Demon-skins for their terrible selfish collections. Fools. The worst part is that one of his Illidari must be involved. If they aren't the pilot, they have made the foolish decision to sell their Legion cruiser to the highest bidder.

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