Chapter 3

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The students are away at their internships for the week so Eraserhead had 7 days to himself, that didn't mean he gets to vacation, he has a lot of paperwork to do. He was sitting in the teacher's lounge once again. His head lied down on the desk, he was planning on taking a nap when All Might walks in evaporating.

Aizawa tries to ignore him, keeping his eyes closed. But it's hard to sleep with someone in the same room shuffling around. Aizawa thought back to the smile All Might gave him. His face heats up and he buries it in his arms.

"Oh, Aizawa you're awake?"

"Now I am." Aizawa stands up.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

Aizawa walks past him without acknowledging the question. However, Toshinori doesn't let that go so easily. He transforms into his muscled form and grabs Aizawa's arm dragging him to lean on the wall. All Might brings his other arm to rest on the side of Aizawa's head.

"Why are you avoiding me? Did I say or do something to offend you?" All Might asked genuinely confused.

Aizawa looked up at All Might about to yell at him for grabbing him like that, but he realized how close he was. His face burned at the closeness and he hurries to cover his face with the arm that wasn't restrained. All Might was really handsome up close and his smile was blinding. Aizawa's heart beats faster and his breathes come short.

"What are you doing?" All Might says removing the hand that was covering Aizawa's face. He's taken aback by the red blush spread on Aizawa's cheeks. It "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" All Might asks bringing a hand to Aizawa's forehead.

Aizawa swats his hand away. "No you idiot." Shaking All Might's hand from his arm, Aizawa tries to push the macho Man off, but he was too strong. Instead All Might leans closer both his hands on both sides of Aizawa's head.

"Then, are you blushing?" Aizawa's face reddens more with that statement. All Might noticing this says, "But why?"

"I don't know!" Aizawa ducks under All Might's arms and runs out of the room. It's getting late and he wanted to go home, so he left the school.

All Might was left alone in the teacher's lounge, evaporating. 'Why was Aizawa blushing, was it cause of me? Is that why he's been avoiding me? I mean it makes sense. But why me? Even after he's seen my true form. I can't believe it unless I hear it from his own mouth. What should I do if he ends up liking me? How do I feel about him? He makes me feel different than anyone else, but I wouldn't consider it love. Ughh I'm too tired to think about this. I'm just gonna go home.'

The next day, Aizawa didn't come to the school to do his daily paperwork. Toshinori didn't think much of it. But Aizawa didn't show up the day after that, and the day after that and so on. It's been 5 days since Aizawa ran out on All Might. Toshinori was getting worried, Aizawa isn't the type to shy away from work, he taught class when he was all bandaged up for goodness sake. There's no way he'd miss school unless something is going on.

Toshinori gets Aizawa's address from the principal. "Thanks Nezu."

"No problem."

Toshinori was walking down the street where Aizawa's apartment lie. He stops at the front doors, checking to see if it's the right place, then he walks in.

A women working as a clerk greets him. He greets back and moves to the rooms, looking for Aizawa's. When he gets to the room, Toshinori knocks on the door, suddenly getting nervous.

Moments pass when the door finally opens. A more tired than usual Aizawa, stands at the threshold. He was wearing his hero suit and he had his scarf covering his mouth.

"All might?" Aizawa asked confused.

"Y-yeah." Toshinori replies.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well you weren't coming to school so I just thought I should check up on you, see if you're doing okay."

"I'm fine." Aizawa says bluntly.

"Then why haven't you been coming to school?"

Aizawa sighs. "C-come in." Toshinori walks into Aizawa's small apartment. A TV was placed on the far left side with a few couches surrounding it and a coffee table in the middle, the far right side was the kitchen and hall leading to a few rooms.

"Nice home."

"Thanks, go ahead and sit down." Aizawa says ushering All Might to sit at the couch while he goes to get some tea. He pours each of them a cup of tea and brings it to the table, taking a seat on the same couch as All Might but at the other end.

"Thank you." Toshinori says sipping from the sweet tea.

"So, how are you?"

"Fine." Aizawa replies coldly. A few awkward moments pass.

"So why-" Aizawa cuts him off to say

"It's because I needed a break."

"From what?" Aizawa doesn't answer.

"From me?" Aizawa again, doesn't say anything. "Aizawa, say something."

"I don't know." Aizawa finally whispers.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know! I don't know why my heart beats so fast when I'm around you! I don't know why you make me blush! I don't know why I get flustered when you're close! I don't know why you make me feel this way! I don't know why that everytime I see you I want to kiss you! I-I don't know why...." Aizawa trails off as he realizes what he's said.

"Y-you want to kiss me?"

Aizawa's face flares at the question, and he brings his arms up to cover his face.


Aizawa feels Toshinori get closer, so he pulls back until his back was flush against the arm of the couch, his arms still covering is red face.

Hands grab his to remove them. Aizawa attempts to hide his face in his scarf, but All Might's hand grabs his chin lifting his face up to meet Toshinori's blue piercing eyes.

Lips meet lips and before he knew it,they were kissing. Kisses exchange between them. Aizawa didn't know what was happening, his mind was so fuzzy as All Might moved his lips against his own so perfectly.

It only made sense, he was the number one hero, of course he'd have some experience. But right now Aizawa couldn't think, he could only want.

"Mm". Aizawa fought hard to suppress a moan but it still comes out, which didn't go unnoticed by All Might. He can feel his smirk in the kiss, as he pulled back. Aizawa was left panting, face flushed, and his heart beating hard against his ribcage.

Toshinori's knees were in between Aizawa's legs, his face so close that Aizawa couldn't help but bring his hand back up to cover his mouth.

"Did I mention that I've wanted to kiss you too?" Toshinori says a smile spreading across his face. The blonde removes Aizawa's hand once again, moving closer to steal another kiss.

"Mmph". Aizawa's words were buried in his throat as his lips were taken yet again. It didn't last long this time as All Might left his lips and started peppering kisses on Aizawa's jawline. Then moving down, All Might licks down Aizawa's neck, kissing and suckling on the skin. Drawing out a small moan from the man.

"T-Toshinori...ha" A shiver spreads through All Might's body when Aizawa moaned out his name. He wanted to hear more, he wanted to see more, wanted to pleasure this man, to kiss him and spoil him.

But his plans were foiled when the door bell rang. Aizawa jumped, getting away from All Might as he rushed to the door. He brought his scarf to cover his face so that his blush wouldn't be noticeable. Toshinori situates himself on the couch, growling that he didn't get more time. Aizawa opens the door to-

"Present Mic?"

My hero....All Might -Toshinori Yagi x Aizawa Shoto/ Eraserhead X All MightWhere stories live. Discover now