Y/n's long day

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Y/n works at the market in Marley and works for more than 7 hours sometimes. So she is always tired when she gets home to Reiner .

4:45 pm
I've been working my shift since 6:30 am . I'm so tired , my feet hurt , my back hurts I'm in so much pain I can't wait to go home and flop on the bed .
" Hey y/n you can go home in the next hour got it ?" Rusty asked me while carrying some boxes with fruit . I offered to help him but he sat them down next to my legs .
" once your done with these you are free for the rest of the day and tomorrow due to the festival we will be happening." Rusty patted my back before leavening me to clean the fruit and sort them .
" Thank you rusty ." I yell a bit so he could hear me . He lifted his hand back as he walked away saying his goodbyes.I managed to finish in a hour .
I walked home down to my house and stood at the door . I took my shoes off when I walked in and hung my coat up . I walked to the kitchen and saw Reiner making dinner . I walked up behind him wrapping my hands around him .
" Hey love , you ok ?" He asked while still cooking . I signed into his back as I felt my body get heavy .
" I'm very tired honey , but I'm off tomorrow so that's good ." I went to go sit down and laid my head on the table . Reiner had just got back from war so he was aloud to stay home . He would have a panic attack every now and then and would cuddle me till he fell asleep again . I would be tried the next morning but I was fine with that as long as he is ok.
" hey Love ?" I looked up to see Reiner setting a plate in front of me .
" thank you baby , it looks really good ." I smiled taking a bite . Reiner smiled at me and held my left and and squeezed it . Before returning to eat . He made some eggs with a bowl of fruit . It was really good I loved his cooking . We both finished and I tried to do the dishes but he moved me out of the kitchen and told me to go in the living room . I kissed his cheek and went to go draw a bit . He came back and kissed my forehead .
" we should go to be babe , we are going to the festival tomorrow." I said he nodded and we went to our room . I started to change into a pair of pants and took my shirt off . I felt my shoulder relax and I sighed .
I didn't see Reiner Leave the bathroom , so when he came behind me and kissed my shoulder , I flinched a bit . But I relaxed into his touch he continued to rub my lower back .
" this feel so good ." Reiner chuckled a bit .
" that's good , you feel good ." He stopped rubbing my back and grabbed my face , lifted it up and kissed me . I kissed him back and was about to unhook my bra when he stopped me .
" is there something wrong ?" I asked him confused as to why he stopped me .
" let me do it ." I lowered my hands . He kissed the back of my neck and then my shoulder . His hands that were on my sides slowly moved their way up to my bra hooks . He unhooked it and let me slip it off .
I felt so much relief from that .
Reiners hand moved to the front of me and he held my breast in his hands . His hands were soft and warm . He kissed my neck once before he started to work his hands . I felt him slowly move his hand making my breast move in a circle like pattern. I leaned my head against his chest . It felt good to feel his touch , it felt to good . I started to make soft grunts every now and then . I slowly moved my hands and put them over his big warm hands . He stopped I looked down .
" is something wrong y/n ?" He asked me looking down worried if he did something wrong .
" I don't deserve this you know ." I said removing his hands from my breast . He grabbed my face and turned me to look at him .
" Y/n you work your ass off every day to make sure we have money to buy things , you help me every night with my panic attacks, you are a very beautiful, independent woman, you deserve so much more than what I give you ." He pulled me in for a kiss , it was a long deep kiss . I melted against his body .
" I love you y/n " Reiner held my face in one hand and his other hand was around my waist .
" I love you too ." I kissed him once again before walking to the bed . Reiner sat behind me and wrapped his arms around me . We laid down and he pulled me close .
" Reiner I was sitting down because my feet hurt , I don't like sleeping without a shirt it feel like I'm exposing my body." He took his hand and held my breast in them . He pulled me closer snuggling my neck .
" that's not the same thing but it will do ." He he started to softy snore . I knew he fell asleep then .
" goodnight love ." I said before pulling the cover over us and going into a deep sleep .

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