He finally asks you on a date!

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Jax :
It was another typical day for you at Teller-Morrow. You annoyed some of the guys, grabbed something to eat and then headed inside the office to help Gemma with paperwork.

Little did you know your day was about to be turned upside down.

Jax walked into the office, his hands shoved into his baggy jeans, and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He stared down at you and Gemma and pulled the cigarette from his lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke before he began to speak.

"Hey, Ma, you mind if I talk to Y/N alone for a sec?"

Gemma smirked as if she knew what was going to happen and stood from her chair. "Sure, baby."

She kissed Jax's cheek and headed out, giving you two privacy, despite the fact that she wanted to stay and eavesdrop.

Jax sighed heavily as he plopped into the seat previously occupied by Gemma, the seat still warm from her. He gazed at you as you stared at him curiously.

Why did he want to talk to you alone?

Jax waited momentarily before speaking again as he felt nervous and didn't know how to word his sentence. He couldn't believe it, he was a guy that radiated confidence and never had a problem getting what he wanted but something felt different... you were a different situation than what he was used to. What if you said no? No one ever said no to Jax Teller.

Jax took a deep breath and began speaking. "You wanna catch a movie or somethin' one day? Go for a ride?"

"You asking me on a date, Teller?" you shot back, raising your brows. You were hoping that's what it was.

Jax flashed his famous smirk and released a huff of amusement, "Maybe."

You smiled back, feeling immensely happy. "Sure. I'd love to go see a movie with you."

You were excited to fill Gemma in on every single detail, knowing she was going to ask. You knew she would be more excited than you were because she loved the idea of you and Jax being together.

Happy :
Happy isn't one for asking people out and he never exactly did. You two never went on an official date because he thought they were stupid and so did you. However, the first time you guys went out and did something is what you like to consider your first date.

You were keeping him company in his dorm as he got ready for the day ahead of him. You two had gotten closer so you didn't feel bad about asking him about his plans. You figured he wouldn't tell you much if it was club business but still liked to ask anyway.

"What're doing today?"

"Getting a tat," he responded. He sat on the bed and began tying his boots.

"Sure you got any more room for that?" you joked. You were aware your joke was stupid but you liked seeing if you could get Happy to smile or laugh. It was a game you had made with yourself and you succeeded sometimes.

He scowled at you, not finding you funny and you laughed at his reaction.

"You wanna come with me?" he wondered. He found himself enjoying your time together and while it scared him he didn't want it to end.

You nodded and a smile pulled at your lips, happy he invited you along. "Yeah. That'd be nice."

Tig :
You were at the clubhouse, feeling bored as you sipped on a beer. You heard the clubhouse door open, then moments later there was a presence next to you.

"Hey, beautiful," Tig greeted, smirking flirtatiously.

You turned on the barstool and returned the smile, "Hey, stupid."

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