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I am parthjaya, bhadra. After my marriage when I had gone to indraprastha with my arya, jyeshtha was so much hurted by my arrival. It was really obvious. Because she had waited for arya from so long nd after seeing me, she had valid reasons to be sad. I was really feeling guilty. Because from my birth, I hadn't given any reason to anyone to be upset. But at that time jyeshtha was totally broken.

I was able to figured out the thoughts of arya. Sharing the love, care nd attention of husband is always painful for any woman, I knew that. Jyeshtha's reaction of being emotionally break down was right. But i found myself at the outside of sphere of righteousness. So in order to enter the rightful area of jyeshtha's emotions, i bowed down my head of rights as a wife. After that initiation from my side, jyeshtha accepted me wholeheartedly.

Then she had given me the deserved place in her life nd in family also. I never found any unconscious feeling of rift in between me nd her regarding the rights of being arya's wife. But for realizing this fact, only narration isn't enough. Now i will ask questions to all of you.

(1) I know as me nd jyeshtha are co wives, it can be much to believe that we were soul sisters but we had shared a harmonious relationship . Is it also can't come into the sphere of faith?

(2) I lived with jyeshtha in indraprastha. Is it my fault? If no then why am I considering as a barrier between arya nd jyeshtha?

(3) The people who are arguing about whom my arya loved the most, have they any parameter to measure love quantitically?

(4) You are comparing sacrifices in order to measure greatness! Can you say ur basis of judging of sacrifices?

(5) Situation decides the route of  deed. But you are including it also in your judging criteria. Can you shape situation according to ur own will? Do u have that control? The thing u can't control then how could u judge that?

(6) When we love someone then it's our duty to respect his/her ideologies also. If you love jyeshtha then are her ideologies in favor of  defaming me?

(7) You are saying that you respect my Arya as "Mahanayak" . But when you are saying that he only loved jyeshtha then aren't you demeaning his personality in accusation of doing discrimination among his wives?

Answer these all questions, I am sure your conscience will prevent you to have any negative feelings about me.

I have done my part. Now it's all of yours'  turn, my sakhis.


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