Coffee Talk

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Most of the Zodiacs were pretty worried about the tension between Sagittarius and Libra who were staring each other down. However Aquarius was seemingly unaffected by this situation while Taurus was still downtrodden by his spilled coffee as Virgo tried to comfort him by stroking his back. Cancer was sipping his coffee as he looked back and forth between Libra and Sagittarius as Libra started to walk closer to the table, putting her hands on the table and leaned closer to Sagittarius with a smirk. "Well, isn't this a lovely surprise. Pisces is now friends with a girl who can't even keep her man." Libra taunted and Cancer saw Sagittarius get visibly irate.

The rest of the Zodiacs now watched in fear, especially Capricorn and Leo since they saw what Sagittarius did in the classroom after learning who Libra was. Sagittarius moved her face slightly closer to Libra's before saying, "I swear to god I am gonna kick your a-"

Cancer put down his coffee onto the table with obvious force, enough to make a thud that got the attention of those at the table. He put on a polite smile and looked at Sagittarius, "Sagi, calm down. We are all here to enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Sit down please."

Sagittarius gestured to Libra with a slightly shocked look, "But-" "Sagi, sit down. I'll make you a lunchbox tomorrow if you do." Cancer took another sip of his coffee as Sagittarius hummed to herself in thought, "Fine. I'll sit. But if this bitch tries anything." Cancer chuckled, "I'll stop you."

Sagittarius huffed and sat down. Taurus looked up from his coffee on the floor and asked, "Hey Cancer, can I get a lunchbox too?" Cancer nodded, "If you promise to stop staring at the coffee." Taurus immediately lit up and Virgo shook his head at Taurus' sudden change in behaviour.

Cancer then looked at Libra who had a smug look as she crossed her arms while staring down Sagittarius. "Libra, have a seat. I'll help order your drink. What do you want."

Libra sat down next to Pisces and smiled at Cancer, "Well I would rather have some alone time with my brother. Could I order that?" Sagittarius was grinding her teeth when she heard her say that. Scorpio was also quite annoyed, "Hey your really pushing it here princess. Cancer is already being nice."

Libra sighed, "Fine, Leo can stay." Leo chuckled awkwardly as Leo and Pisces awkwardly chuckled. Gemini was scared as she was sat next to Capricorn who seemed to radiate a seemingly polite anger, though she covered it up by taking a long sip of her tea. Cancer let out a small laugh and got up as the cafe they were at did not have waiters so the customers would order and take their order from the cashier themselves. "Well I remember you always order a caramel latte without the whip cream but with extra caramel." Cancer stated before walking off towards the cashier.

Libra was slightly surprised, as was the rest. " it exactly right." Libra mumbled. Capricorn thought to herself, "Huh, so that's why he did well in his test. Hell of a memory." Leo shrugged, "Anyways, Cancer knowing Libra's exact order aside. Why have you joined us today?"

He looked at Libra who smiled a little more when he did so, "Well, Leo dear. I just wanted to see what you guys talk to my brother about. Have to make sure your not influencing him." Pisces grumbled when she ruffled his hair. Aries raised his eyebrow, "I highly doubt that. You would've done that from the start if that was the case."

Libra shrugged, "Can't a sister check in on her brother and his friends every once and a while?" Aquarius answered, "Sure, but your evil. So you can't blame us for suspecting you of having ulterior motives."

Libra shot a glare at him but Aquarius sat there barely even noticing her glaring at him. Gemini caught this however and was not all too pleased, "Hey! Don't glare at Aquarius, all he did was state a fact." Libra then turned her attention towards Gemini, "Shut it Mini, no one was talking to you."

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