Draco and Luna

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Luna skipped down the hall shoeless, when she ran into a blonde haired boy.
"What are you doing?" The boy asked.

"Oh hello Draco, I'm looking for my shoes" Luna said smiling at him. Draco looked at her weird.

"Why are you smiling at me, no one other then some Slytherins like me" Draco spat, he was being very rude to a person who was being nice to him.

"Maybe it's because you push the nicer people away by being mean Draco, I believe there is a nice person in everyone" Luna said smiling still.

"Not me loony" Draco said, Luna frowned slightly and was about to skip off again when Draco grabbed her arm. "No I'm sorry, It's Luna right, I just thought your name was loony because that's what everyone in Slytherin calls you" Draco said with a warm smile.

Luna smiled back. "I told you, there is good in you" Luna said. "Now have you seen my shoes" Luna asked politely.

"Uh I did see shoes near the astronomy tower" Draco said.

"Thank you Draco" Luna said skipping off again, Draco smiled as she skipped off. 'Maybe there is good in me' Draco thought
It's short and it's not a love one shot but it's a nice one.

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