Valentine is the first alter that Core has a recollection of. Once others started appearing Val went dormant for a while but is back now. When signing she will either sign with Valentine or Val.
Name: Valentine
Nicknames: Val
Age: Eternal
Birthday: 6th January (Doesn't age)
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Are you a fictive or factive?: Neither a fictive or a factive.
What is your role?: Valentine is a protector and a suspected caretaker, looking after the littles.Message from Valentine: Good morning/afternoon/evening/day. I don't think I need to introduce myself considering the fact file above this message but yes, I was the first alter that Core was aware of, in a way. They thought I was just a character they created and that when we would hang out with a friend (who turned out to be highly toxic) they would pretend to be me and they just wouldn't remember playing as they had been for too long to remember everything. I try to look after the littles and anyone else that needs a supportive vampire mother figure. I've started to realise that you can probably tell Core was a young child when I split and the brain thought that the best person to deal with what was happening was to split off a vampire princess, who later became queen (though I switch between those titles, princess makes me feel younger).I don't know why the brain decided I was what Core needed but I am happy that I was and still am there to help them.
BlackRose System
RandomHi. We are the BlackRose System, we're a D.I.D system. If you don't know what that is it's "Dissociative Identity Disorder". It used to be known as "Multiple Personality Disorder" but that was changed when they realised it wasn't exactly a case of '...