part 8

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Me being confused on what sora was talking about I looked at lucci and then walked to my room

I see Brandon chilling laying in a different spot then before

I walk up to him and look him in the eyes he looks at me in my eyes as well

B- "baby what's wrong" he said with a little smile

Y- "nothing just wondering what Sora talked to you about"

B- "oh it was nothing serious he just told me a few things"

Y- "what things" I say moving him back and forth

B- "just something he wanted me to know about you like how you love (whatever food place you love)"

"And how you fav color is (fav color)"

"He just told me thing's so I understand you more and can make you feel better when your sad and stuff"

Y- "that's actually really nice"

B- "I think it is to babygirl, do you wanna watch a movie now" he said smiling

Y- "yea what should we watch"

B- "what about 365 days maybe"

Y- "I've never watched it and didn't that show come out like a year ago"I said chuckling a little

B- "yea it did but it's really good" he said reassuringly

Y- "okay let's watch it then" I smile

20-30 mins later

These people are on a boat Now for some reason this movie is confusing to me and there has been a lot of sex scenes so far

Which have made me kinda horny but as I continued watching they were doing it so many times on a boat

I started to rub my legs together I think Brandon noticed cause he grabbed my thigh and started to sqeeze it

I whimper and I felt him kiss my neck and then him start to rub my leg getting closer so my 😼

I started to freak out a little and moved him and and turned the movie off

B- "babygirl did I make you uncomfortable I'm sorry" he said genuinely

Y- "no...well kinda I'm just a little scared of anyone touching me there"

B- "I'm sorry babygirl I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he said hugging me

I hugged him back but for some reason I felt like he was lying to me but I didn't say anything about it 😅

Y- "How about we watch something else" I said nervously

B- "yea that's cool" he smiled at me

We watched a random show and then when he fell asleep I got up and wrote a not saying I'll be with Sora and Lucci

I went to see lucci and sora I could hear something faintly but I couldn't tell what the noise was

I knocked on the door anyways after 2 knocks the sound stopped and I could hear rumbling

They soon enough opened the door I walked in univited and sat on the couch

S- "well hello to you to" he laughed

Y- "idk about Brandon" I said being straight forward

L- "what did he do?, Did he hurt you?" She said about to get mad

Y- "no never that, I just feel like he's lying to me about something"

L- "why do you feel like that" she asked sitting next to me

Sora sits down to just listening to what I'm saying

Y- "well maybe it's just me but I seen Brandon with this girl's name I'm his phone"

"He said it was his mom but I don't believe that and then the other night his phone was going off like crazy I could see it was from his friends so I dismissed it"

"And then did something while we were watching a movie and he apologized for it but I don't think he was actually sorry idk maybe I'm tripping"

S- "well if you feel like that just talk to him about it or just slowly start to set boundaries"

L- "also what did this son of a bit-"

"Excuse my language what did he do to you??" She asked politely

Y - "it's nothing serious it just made me a little uncomfortable"

Lucci knowing I wasn't gonna tell her everything just decided not to answer more questions

L- "well what sora said is true you should probably set boundaries" she smiled at me

Y- "okay thanks for the help"

S&L- "no problem"

I then get up and leave and go back to my house he was up on my bed chilling

B- "oh your back yess umm I have a question for you" be said excited

Y- "yea what's the question"

He runs in my bathroom and comes out with a poster that said

"I like you a lot and I want to ask you to go to prom with me ~luv B"

Y- "awwe that's so sweet" I put my hand up to my chest

"Ofc I'll go with you"

He comes up to me and gives me a hug and says

B- "you better get looking for dresses then it's a whole 3 months away"

Y- "do you really think I'm that picky"

B- "maybeeeee" he said laughing

I hit him in his shoulder and he picked me up throwing me on the bed and started play fighting me

He wins and he has my hands over my head I'm laughing hard

Y- "okay okay I won't hit you anymore let me go" I say smiling

B- " are you sure your sorry" he smiled

Y- "yes yes I'm sure I promise"

He the let me go as we both laugh

Y-" I'm hungy~"

B- "really, what do you want to eat then"

Y- "chick-fil-a" I sing

B- "chick-fil-a it is"

We both get ready and I give him my keys and we head to chick-fil-a

I hate this that is all👁️👄👁️

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