Tokomaru Fluff

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"Tokooo," Komaru whined. "Lets go outside. It's snowing again." Toko looked up at her girlfriend. They we're in their house, snuggled together on their couch by the fireplace.

"O-Okay. It's gonna b-be cold though." Toko said, standing up from the couch. 

"I-I'm gonna get dressed. You should t-too." She walked into their room. Komaru stood up and followed Toko. She walked over to their closet and looked for clothes that would stand a chance against the cold. She found some grey gloves, three winter jackets, scarves, and lots of socks. They had a lot of socks for some odd reason. Komaru began putting on a winter jacket over the sweater she was wearing. Toko was putting on some gloves. Around 10 minutes later, they were dressed in their winter clothes.

"We look kinda funny." Komaru said, looking in the mirror in their room.

Toko chuckled. "Yeah, we do."

"Okay, come on! Lets go outside now!" Komaru said, running out their room. Toko followed behind her. They exited the house and was met by a cold wind. But they were prepared, they had their winter clothes. Komaru laughed, she was glad to be in the snow. Toko was glad her girlfriend was happy. Komaru was laying on the ground, making snow angels. She was smiling.

"C'mon, Toko! Let's make snow angels together!" Komaru said.

Toko smiled and laid beside Komaru, and made a snow angel. 

"The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" Komaru said, looking up into the sky. 

"Yeah. I-It is." Toko replies. She stood up and admired the snow angel she'd made. Komaru was still laying down in the snow.

"W-Wanna make a snow man?" Toko asks.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun." Komaru says, getting up. Toko began rolling a ball for the bottom part of the snowman. Komaru began rolling the second half of the snowman. A couple minutes later, Komaru was finished. Toko was still working on the bottom of the snowman.

"I'm gonna look for some sticks, okay?" Komaru says.


Komaru looks around on the ground for some sticks. She found two sticks. She found others, but they were too short. Toko was finished with the lower part of the snowman.

"How are we gonna put them on top of eachother?" Komaru asked.

"Dunno. Maybe we could lift them." Toko answered. 

Komaru nodded. 

"Okay. Help me lift up the one I made." Komaru said. Toko nodded. This was gonna be a hard task. Komaru got on her knees and began to lift it on top of the bottom half. Toko was on the other side, lifting it aswell. After a couple of minutes struggling with this mound of snow, they finally got it on top of the bottom half. 

"Yay!" Komaru said. They just needed the head to finish the body. Komaru saw Toko rolling snow to make the head. She finally finished making the head.

"I think I can lift this one by myself." Toko says. Komaru nods, and Toko puts the snow on the body, completing the body of the snowman. 

"Y-You can put the sticks now." Toko says. Komaru smiled and shoved the two sticks into the snowman. That sounded graphic. Anyways, the snowman finally had arms. Toko dug her finger into the snowman's head twice, making two eyes. Toko took off her scarf and put it on the snowman. It was a fairly simple snowman.  but the two girls were happy they got to make it together.

"The snow man looks cute!" Komaru says, giggling. Toko smiled.

"Yeah. I-It does."

"I'm glad we got to make this snowman together." Komaru says.

"Me too." Toko replies. They smiled at eachother.

"I love you, Toko."

"I love you too.

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