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Symon was never one for patience

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Symon was never one for patience. He waited for nothing. When he had his mind made up, it was set and that was it. That's why we fought a lot about him coming with me to see his family. He would have to settle for a phone call, a few facetime calls until I left.

I know it killed him, he was big on family, he spoke of his brother all the time. He had missed so much and it ate him alive. His brother getting married, them adopting their oldest son, the birth of his youngest nephews.

He just wanted to be home, and I wanted to be home too, with him. I wanted to sit on a couch with him and watch TV until bedtime, I wanted to fuck him in our own bed instead of a bed that belonged to a motel, sweet morning kisses that weren't met with rushing out to find a new hiding spot.

"You have the note for Elis right?" He asked as we sat in the back seat of Peter's car. Peter was a good friend of mine - I had met him long before I left my pack. He to was once a member of the same pack as I. But left not long after I ran away.

Apparently, he didn't agree with the packs' words about hunting me down for a trail. I wasn't a skilled hacker then. No Peter taught me all that. He won my trust slowly but surely. He didn't follow me but stayed close, never a country away. It was going to be strange, leaving not only Symon, but Peter behind for a short while.

Rena was to pick me up from the airport and take me to Autumn Falls. It would be a day's drive because I wasn't landing anywhere near the state that held the parkland. Rena was a good friend of Peters who he had met along the way. She was from Greece, but just happened to be in the states for the moment. It was great timing all around. "Yes Symon, I have the note for your lover."

"Ex-lover." He corrected. I just shook my head, Elis was mated now, the past of he and Symon long behind us all, but I still had a bit of jealously for the man who held Symon before I did. Though, I guess Symon would feel the same way about the man who held me first. If he were anything worth being jealous over.

We pulled into the airport, Peter stayed in the car, the man with the small black goatee and ball cap giving me a fist bump and wave before parking the car to wait for Symon in the closest park — so his eyes never left Symon, as he promised.

"Call me as soon as you land." He was going to cry, I could see it in his eyes. I sighed, pulling the man into my chest, "Text me when you get service on the plane. Let me know you're ok." He mumbled into my chest, grabbing onto the back of my shirt with his two hands.

"Symon," I whispered, I didn't want to get emotional, it wasn't as if I'd never see him again. I'd be gone a week tops. "You're being silly, we'll be together again soon."

"You never know what can happen between then and now."

"What are yea doing? Foreshadowing? Stop that, you're paranoid." I looked at him, taking his chin in my hand to have him look up at me. "You're getting on with nonsense." I smirked at him, leaning down to press our lips together. "I love you. I'll see you soon."

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