Ron and Hermione: A proposal

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Ron and Hermione were sitting at a table, full with all different kinds of food Hermione served. She also made Ron help with the raspberry sauce, so all he kept talking about was how delicious it tasted. Hermione just finished her pumpkin bread when Ron suddenly said "You know when I was younger, my mother used to cook all by herself. Now I find that very impressive considering that making the raspberry sauce alone took so much effort." He smiled at Hermione and she smiled back, even though she hated him talking about his mothers cooking skills from time to time. "I only remember once, when Fred and George had to cook our breakfast because mom was at a festival with Dad. I was 10 years old I believe. Fred made some chocolate chip pancakes, but he changed the chocolate into..." while talking Rons face was drifting off the table towards the fireplace and he looked like he was deep in his thoughts. His glassy eyes reflected the fire and he looked like he would tear up every second. Without saying anything Hermione stepped up to him kneeled in front of him and took his head to her shoulders. She held him close and her eyes teared up. He rested there for a while and then he got up, took her head and whipped away a tear with his thumb. "I can't have you sad now" he whispered and lifted her up. He took the deluminator out of his pocket and clicked it. It was dark, even the fire was gone. Then Hermione heard a sudden plop and as she was all worried. Ron turned the lights on again. The room was a little dimmed and there were flowers where before, the dinner was having its place. Only the raspberry sauce was still standing there. "You're surprising me with putting away the dishes?" Hermione was sarcastic but still a little confused. Ron smiled. "Actually, I got someone else to do it" he said and turned her around. There was Dobby standing there, holding a box with stuff in it. "I know you are against having a House elf in this house, but you might want to take a look at what he brought you." Dobby approached and Hermione greeted him with a gentle handshake. As she looked into the box she turned to Ron and gave him a little punch on his elbow. "You are extra funny today, aren't you?" She looked a little mad but the fact that Ron didn't even react but only kept smiling made her suspicious. „Take one out. Come on" Hermione was standing there with an old S.P.E.W patch. She looked mighty confused, but then Ron knotted at Dobby and he was sniping. The letters turned and for a few seconds Hermione thought this was some kind of joke again. W.Y.M.M it said now. Hermione turned back to Dobby ready to bomb him with questions, but he was gone. As she turned back to Ron, he was smaller, actually he was on his knees. It took Hermione a second to realize. She looked at him and back at the patch three times. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you do me the honor and marry me?" Rons hand was shaking as he held a blue diamond Ring. Hermione looked at the patch with open mouth, completely dissolved and whispered "Will you marry me!" while looking at the patch. She didn't even know what to say, so instead of answering the question she was trying to make herself clear what actually just happened. "Ron, are you actually serious?" Ron looked down and then up and then said with all confidence "Why the tone of surprise?" Hermione pulled him up and kissed him so passionate as she did the first time during the battle of Hogwarts. Rons ears were glowing as they always did when he was embarrassed or insecure. Hermione let go of him for a second and whispered "Yes" between kissing his nose and kissing his cheek. She stopped after that and her face went all serious. "Just one thing" she said and Ron felt something move in his stomach. He thought maybe she didn't want to marry him, maybe he wasn't good enough all over again. And right when his face turned sad and he imagined the worst she reached to the table with her hand and grabbed some of the raspberry sauce. She took it to Rons face and clapped it right onto Rons long nose. "You've got dirt on your nose you know, right there" She tapped the spot on the right nostril of her own nose and she started laughing. Ron whipped away the sauce and lifted her up her feet "You're extra funny today, aren't you?" He laughed but it turned more into a happy smile when she put the ring on her own finger and it was clear for both of them that they will be each other's true loves, till death parts them.

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