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Amelia's Pov:

Saturday nights, basically mean Anthony and I always stay in his dorm smoking blueberry cigarillos talking till midnight.

The vibes are immaculate, except this time he's hanging out with his new "best friend" redhead Katie, I mean I have trust in Anthony but I know girls like her. The other day she told me to leave my own dorm because she wanted to talk to Anthony privately, Anthony didn't realize how bad it sounded so I left, but we haven't been talking since. Silent treatment always works.

I always hang around Anthony's dorm, even when he isn't there since Noah and Madi have officially taken over mine.

Anthony walks in.

"Hey, babe." He walks towards me taking off his shirt, already being cozy in sweatpants.

"Oh my god, Amy please tell me you aren't still ignoring me over something so little, honestly you are overexaggerating." He explains as I make direct eye contact with him, the anger showing but only scoffing.

I was about to get up but his arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into his bed.

"No! Amy! Look at me!" He turns his head over to me and gives me a goofy smile, "I hate it when you are mad at me, I want you, and only you." He kisses my forehead.

"Whatever, I don't even care you know? like why would I? it's not like there's a girl spending more time with my boyfriend than I am-- Oh wait! There is!" I snap and look away from him because he looked so adorable I couldn't stay mad if I kept glaring.

"I promise--" He breaks with a kiss on my cheek "I'll make more--" Another planted on my neck "Time for you--" Two on my collarbone "I'm sorry." He attacks me with kisses all over and I begin giggling.

"Am I forgiven?" He kisses my lips.

"Hmmm, give me some time to think..." I giggle, "Oh really funny, maybe funnier than this!" He begins tickling me.


After the long tickle fight, Anthony and I shared; which sadly I lost, I made my way to the astronomy tower.

The sun was slowly sweeping away.

"Hey." A voice from behind me says before I jump and almost fall to my death, he grabs my waist.

We stood there for a few seconds which felt like years, our faces so close. One move and we would be on each other's lips.

"B-be careful." Mattheo says as he clears his throat and moves backward.

"You could've startled me to death." I roll my eyes before sitting down, "Did you bring anything? I'm in need." I sigh.

"What's wrong with little miss perfect?" He says with a joint planted between his lips, about to light it. It was obvious he didn't care so much that I was hurting, but I know deep down he wants to know everything that's been happening.

I can't lie, I miss talking to him too.

After a long night of us mostly being silent, we walked back to the Slytherin dorm rooms together.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" Mattheo points at the view of Anthony and Katie hugging, his arms around her waist and Katie's around his neck.

"What the fuck." I say as I look over to Mattheo, he had the biggest smile on his face. What a dick.

I shake my head and walk over to my supposedly boyfriend.

"Awhh you guys look like such a cute couple!" I say as I fold my arms and Anthony backs away from Katie "I know right we're so cu—" She turns over to face me "Oh, nevermind." She rolls her eyes.

"Anthony, I'm not gonna let some redhead bitch take my place as your girlfriend so tell me, is it me or her?"

Anthony looks at me and looks at her, "Come on, Amelia let's go." He holds my hand and we walk away.

Finally. my boyfriend is all mine again.

We walk to his dorm and I run jumping on the bed, as he follows.

My head ended up on his chest as we laid slowly falling asleep, and eventually...

I was out.


I walk into my dorm which was completely empty; surprisingly.

I lay down on my bed and someone walks in, I turn my head as the door slowly creaks and look over.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch!" Katie yells coming closer to me with a knife.

"You psychotic bitch, what the fuck. Get away from me." I yell back.

"Not until I show you karma! Anthony loves me!"

"Yeah maybe in your little delusional little mind! not everything goes your way, Miss princess!" I open my drawer as I grab my pocket knife, and get off my bed getting closer to her.

"What? Scared now?" I say referring to her loud panting.

"Fuck you!" She says as she cut me on my stomach, at that moment I forgot everything and jumped right on top of her. 

Pointing the knife to her collarbone I cut a long line and trail it up to her neck, as I got closer; Anthony walks in.

Fuck. This looks wrong.

"What the fuck Amelia!" He pulls me off her helping her up.

"She came in here, pointing a knife at me! for fuck sake she CUT me!" I yell.

"Now Anty baby, would I ever do such a thing? Ugh, I feel so faint" She says as she pretends to fall backward.

"I came in here to make peace..." She says whilst fake crying and Anthony's hand wraps around her waist.

"Amelia, we're done." Anthony says whilst sighing.

I stare at him with no expression, I wanted to go over there and hit him repeatedly but it isn't worth it if he chooses not to believe me. Fuck that.

"Oh wow, you're breaking up with me and believing the spoilt bitch?" I scoff.

"Fuck you, I don't want this anyways, nor do I need it." I walk out of my dorm covering the blood on my shirt. I didn't want Anthony to see, he chose another girl over me so fast.

I begin running as fast as I can to the forest.

Mattheo already here smoking a joint, I run up to him.

"Fuck it." I say as my lips meet his.

Time feels like it has frozen, I could only focus on how soft he felt against my mouth, how addictively he invaded all my senses. Craving more I realize; I love him, there's no running away from it anymore.


I'm in love with Mattheo Riddle.

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