Hoenn Catastrophe

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Made a draft of this ages ago and holy shit it was cringe

Anyways, yes I like torturing my favourites, who doesn't, let's uh- begin... reading

Also this has like 6k words so I deeply apologise for that


"I'm surprised you came," Maxie said to his counterpart. Archie huffed. "Did I have a choice?"
Maxie ignored that statement, and slammed his hand on the table. "We both know it must be done."
He stood up in his usual pose. "The way Groudon and Kyogre fight. They can never finish their battles. And you know why?"
Archie thought for a second.
"....'cause of Rayquaza?"

The Aqua leader rubbed his chin a little bit. "So watcha saying we do?"
Maxie sniggered. "Simply, the plan is we, in a way, kidnap Rayquaza."
Archie stared "are ya nuts? Kidnap the god of the skies? Is yer noggin okay, or is it still as rough as it used to be?"
He laughed to himself.
"Okay okay, I'm just messin' with yer, but seriously, how are we supposed to do that, brainy boy?"

"Meet me at Sky Pillar, 4pm tomorrow. Understood?"
"So we can kidnap Rayquaza, you dingus!"
Archie thought for a bit, again.
"Is this really a good idea?"
"Well I'm doing it, whether or not you like it is your problem."


4pm, Sky Pillar


Archie's submarine reached shore, just outside Sky Pillar's little island. He helped Shelly out and told the Grunts to stay behind. The two made their way up some stairs and to the entrance, where Maxie and his admins were waiting.

"HEY! MAGMA!" Archie yelled "WE CAME!"

Tabitha turned around to face them. "Sheesh boss, why'd you invite them?"
"Because this is for both of our sake. COME, ARCHIE, OVER HERE!"

Archie and Shelly approached them.

"I have a question." Shelly said.
"Tch, go ahead." Tabitha replied.
"How does Wallace not know we're here, and isn't Sky Pillar impossible to climb?"

Maxie sighed. "Listen Shelly, we're not climbing Sky Pillar the usual way. And, Wallace can't keep track of what's going on outside of Sootopolis 24/7, so if he does find out, well that's his problem isn't it?"

"Is it?" Tabitha whispered to Courtney. She shrugged in response.

"Alright then enough messin' about, show me whatcha got, Maxie!" Archie exclaimed. Maxie did a motion with his hands and a helicopter approached.
"Get on, we're going to the top." He instructed.

It was a quick 5 minute trip to the top window, where they were dropped off. They climbed through with a little struggle (well Archie did anyways) but they made it in.

"See how quick that was, compared to all the pain of the floors below?" Maxie asked.
"Yes I saw, I saw." Shelly replied.
"And felt it too...." Archie grunted. "Anyways, where's this green dragon at?"

Courtney made her up some stairs, and flinched. "OVER THERE!" She yelled, pointing behind the wall. The other four made there way up, and there it was, behind several rocks and cracks....

Rayquaza. A slumbering Rayquaza.


"So how do we wake it up? Smack some pans in it's face?" Tabitha joked.
"Don't be silly, Tabitha, we won't awaken it." Maxie began "we'll simply get the ropes around it and take it to our base via the underground, and whether or not it wakes up is dependent."

NOT SHORT, but cringe storiesWhere stories live. Discover now