Grand Army High School

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"We could keep this easy baby, we should keep this easy breezy, role play like you trynna control me, if you switch up the-" My music was cut off by my phone ringing by none other than my best friend Joey. "Aye where you at?" Joey asked. "I'm literallyyyy right around the corner Jo" beep. The sound of her hanging up sounded through the speakers of my car. Chuckling, I honked about 10 times pulling up to Joey's house. "Who the hell you think you are hanging up on me like that" I said jokingly to her as she hopped in my car. "Shut up you know I love you" Joey said. Joey and I have been best friends since 5th grade when I was a shy young kin who was scared to ask for milk in the lunch line. And she was still a fearless, outspoken rebellion. We got put as partners for some science project and it's been history ever since. "I know you dooo I mean who doesn't" I playfully said. "You right" We both laughed and I continued to drive us to hell. AKA Grand Army High School.

        "Oh my god I feel like Byrson Tiller is wayyyy under rated" Joey said as I pulled into a parking spot in front of the school. "Dude I know he's literally a lyrical genius and he's low key so fucking hot" I said looking at Joey. "Bitch that shit is not low key. Everyone knows he's got as fuck" we both laughed as we walked into the school, arms linked together. We walked down the halls of Grand Army only to be met with our amazing group of friends. Anna and Tim (who are also siblings), George (some lonely ass guy we met freshman year), and then Luke (my boyfriend). We all met in PE class and have been pretty much inseparable ever since. "Woo look at you fine ass ladiesss" Anna said as she came to link arms with me and Joey. "Did you guys start the assignment for Mrs. G because I don't have a fucking clue on what to do" George said to me and Joey. "George if I had a dollar for every time you asked me if I finished an assignment i would be fucking rich" Joey responded. "Honestly imma start charging you" I told George as Luke swung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me away from the conversation. "I missed you" he said as he pulled me into him. "You just saw me yesterday" I chuckled. "And? I can't miss you?" He said as he pulled me in to kiss me. "You're a dork" I told him as we pull away. "Aye love birds we're going to the party tonight. You guys are in right?" George asked. "I don't-" I started to say. "Yeah bro" Luke cut me off. Beeeep. The bell telling us to get our asses to first class rang. "See you guys at lunch" Tim said to all of us as they all started to walk to class. "I don't think I should go to the party. I have to study for the science quiz next week and my dad-" I told Luke as we walked to first period. Which we have together. . "Cmon baby it's gonna be fun. I promise you don't wanna miss it. Pleaseee come with us. Tomorrow I'll come over and help you study all day." He said cutting me off with the cheesiest smile on his face. "Come on babyyy" He pleased and started poking my sides making me laugh. "Okay fine, I'll go" I gave in. It's hard to say no to him sometimes okay don't judge.

The alert alarm went off in the middle of second period. All of the students had to gather in the middle of the school hallways. What the fuck. Is the first thing that came to my mind. I know all of us were scared. So I thought before I over heard the boys talking about the stupid list they made as I walked up to Luke. "The Bomb Pussy List" is what they named it. Charming isn't it. "What is wrong with you guys. Like you guys seriously have mental shit you need to get sorted out" I told them all as they looked at the list. I took it in my hands and read all the names. "Really. Me, Joey, and Grace? First of all none of you have fucked Joey so how the fuck would you know and please don't tell me you are the reason I'm on this list?" I said as I looked at Luke. No one said anything. "You're an ass" I told him as I walked away. "Baby come on" he yelled. "Oh you're in deep shit Friedman" George said as the rest of the boys laughed.

I honestly don't know why he would think putting me on that list would just be okay. Like guys can be such douchebags- My thoughts were interrupted when Joey bumped into me in the hallway. "Oh my god Raegan you won't believe what the fuck I just had to do for Gracie" She paused when she saw the look on my face. "Hey you good?" She asked. "Yeah Im good just some dumbass list the boys wrote. Just a little irritating. You're on it by the way." "Wait what list" she said confused. "The bomb pussy list" I said with a fake smile on my face. "Guys can be fucking disgusting. Just ignore it. Dumbass list anyway" She responded. "So what happened with Gracie?" I asked remembering what she said earlier. "Oh yeah I had to pull a fucking condom out of her pussy, not just any condom either, George's fucking condom" She said with low key excitement. "They're still fucking around with each other?" I asked her. "Yeah she told me they're serious now. He told her he's not messing with anyone else" we both looked at each other with the-yeah fucking right look. So George is basically a fuck boy. A man whore you might say. He honestly wants to fuck anything with a vagina. But Grace really likes him and thinks he's only into her. When I'm reality that's totally not true. "Hey guys what the fuck is going on are you guys good?" Anna said ,referring to the lockdown alarm, as she and Tim came up to us. "Yeah" Joey and I said at the same time. "Where's the guys?" Tim asked referring to Luke and George. "Finishing their bomb pussy list." I told him. Anna looked at me with a confused expression. "Yeah they're making a list of all the girls in Grand Army that have "bomb pussy" Joey said. "And me and Joey happen to be on it" I said with an annoyed look. "Well what the fuck about my bomb pussy?" Anna said, half joking around. "Ugh please don't have this conversation when I'm around, ever." Tim responded to his sister obviously grossed out by the thought. We all laughed as we waited for the lockdown shit to be over.

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