I Owe Him This Day

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Two weeks later...

"Mom we're gonna be late if you don't hurry" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

This is one of the largest moments of my life and I'm going to be late for it. Finally she comes down the stairs strutting a blue and black lace dress. she smirks at the look on my face. She looks like she's trying to dress like a teenage girl.Not. Working.

"What in the world are you wearing?" I ask her

She shakes her hip and I groan

"There are a lot of things you don't know about these old bones" she says popping her butt.

She straightens my gown out and ushers me out the door. I can't wait to see Chase he has changed my life and I owe him a dept...I owe him this day. We get in the car and she drives off down the street only minutes away from where I'm supposed to be. Hopping out the car I half run and and walk towards the banquet hall. Due to my heels, they aren't a helping asset right now.

"Your going to be fine sweetie take you time this is your big day" mom calls from behind me.

I grab my flowers that are being handed to me and stand In the middle of the door getting ready to walk down the isle. My name is called and the doors open I walk down the isle as many cheer me one and I smile as my face is captured by many of these peoples Camera. Stepping on the stage I shake the board of education hands along with my dean, principal, and super attendant. 

Accepting my diploma a 100 Watt smile is plastered on my face along with relief and gratitude. I take a seat with the Valedictorians and wait for the rest of the students to come out. A long hour passes and we go through with our speeches and what not. She meets me with flowers and a picture to take.

Tears are in her eyes when she looks at me.

You did so well" she says embracing my in a bone crushing hug. my head turns looking for chase he sat with the valedictorians too, I didn't know he was that smart after all he is a bad boy, but I still don't seem to find him.

"Mom I'm gonna go find Chase" I tell her walking off. Finally I see him with his parents, they hug and kiss all over him. When they see me they hug and kiss me too.

"Mom and Dad I don't appreciate you touching my girlfriend" he says in an annoyed tone. I giggle at that.

"If it was too my judgement son Id say your jealous" his dad says

Chase mumbles and pulls me to his side. His face frowns and I flick his lip. Chase looks at me in a confusion.

"Don't pout it doesn't look nice on you" I say

He smiles and looks away. Swiftly I kiss him on the cheek.

"Are you ready to go?" He ask and I nod.

" I've got to admit it's gonna be kinda awesome that we got in the same college together" I say to him

"Yeah were traveling all the way to Michigan, I heard they get terrible snow and basically their weather is bipolar" he says

"Well why do you think our parents got us trucks for" I say in a smart Alec tone.

"You got you jeep Commander and I got my range rover" he says as we walk out the door.

"College life would be a total bore without you" I say

"I could say the same for you" Chase says kissing me.

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