2: Happy Birthday

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It was a special sunny June Saturday, and Draeka Malfae was having her 11th birthday. Nobody cared much, of course, none of her friends really knew when anyone's birthdays were. Even she herself didn't regard her birthday very much. Birthdays are overrated after all, she thought to herself.

But today was the day she was free (because it was Saturday, duh). She ran up to Fred's office like she did every Saturday afternoon after lunch. She walked in to see a beautiful chocolate cake on his desk. It read, 'Happy Birthday Butterfly!'. She smiled. 'Butterfly', he liked to call her, ever since the incident with little Harry the butterfly.

He jumped up out from behind his desk. (OR at least jumped as best as an old man with back problems can).

"Happy Birthday!" he said, pulling her into a hug. She smiled again, enjoying his scent of evergreen trees. They ate some cake and talked goofily about the 'importance' of being 11 years old. Finally, he pulled out a big box and gave it to her. She quickly opened it in excitement, since she never got presents, even on her previous birthdays. (Except once, she when she was walking and some guy who collected video games and stuff was having a garage sale and gave her laptop. Mind you, it had no data, just a BUNCH of movies saved to it.) Inside of the box was a set of books.

 "Harry Potter," she whispered, tracing the engraved letters with awe. She had heard of the books before, even the movies, but she had never gotten to actually read them.

"Freddie my guy, where did you get this?!" she squealed like a little girl but quickly stopped, realizing how silly she sounded. "I read them all when I was a little boy," he said, sighing and gazed at the set.

His gaze and memories broke when she opened the first book up and started reading it. He chuckled. This girl was a better reader than any other person he ever knew. "Also, Drae, when you finish each book, I will take you to go watch the movies at the theater," He said with a sly smile that accented the smile wrinkles on the side of his eyes.

Her eyes grew wide. They never went to the theater, at least not very often. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, this is possibly the best day I have had since Harry the butterfly got to live out his little dreamsss!" she said. Then, the clock struck 8, and she had to go because of curfew. Dreaka hugged Fred tightly again and ran to her room with her new books. She would read until she fell asleep.


Headmaster Fredric paced in his office.

 "Ding...Ding...Ding," his clock read 10 PM. Just then, a man with a green cloak walked in. "What took you so long, Al?" Fredric asked his younger brother, Albert, sternly. The man took off his cloak (which he threw on the desk) and kicked his shoes off, making himself comfortable on the couch with his feet on the table.

Shaking his head, Fred's eyes softened. "Oh, you know, the usual procedures and delays," Al said looking up at his older brother. They were a peculiar pair, 20 years apart and involved with so many things. And yes, there were 20 years apart, Fred being 63 years old, and Al is 43.

"How did it go today? Did she take interest in the books?" Albert asked him hopefully. Fred chuckled (to himself, mostly) and replied, "It was like love at first sight. I knew, I just knew she would be interested, it's in her blood."

Albert gave a satisfied nod as he pulled out a long slender stick from his robe's pocket. He pointed it to the table and muttered a few words. Suddenly, a nice (alarmingly large) meal appeared in front of him. Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, now was no time for that.

 "I can see why she was chosen for this, she is awfully smart," Fred sighed. "If only Lucia and Chris would've accepted the fact that their daughter was the chosen one, not them. Maybe they would be here to help her go through it."

His brother's eyes lowered to his feet. "You know they just didn't want their daughter in that kind of danger," he said.

"Of course I know that, but that doesn't stop the fact that Draeka was attacked all of those years ago. We never truly found out who did it, and they could come back! It is her last month here before..." he stopped. "..before we send her to.. to fix things. If she isn't allowed to directly do anything or say anything then how will she help?" Fred sighed in dismay. He really loved that girl, like his own daughter, and if anything ever happened to her, it would be the death of him.

"You did say she was clever," Albert said comforting his brother. He would be the one to be there with her at school. He would soon be responsible for this girl his brother loved so much.

"She will find a way, she always does, but first, she has to basically memorize Harry Potter in only a month. But, I do not doubt that she will finish all of the books before the month ends."

"I hope you're right, brother," Albert finally said. 

After cleaning himself up, he stood in front of his brother and said, "Good luck." 

Then, as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. 

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