'Or did you just come in here to coddle me?'

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Trip Trap Bar
The Bronx
☉2:16 am

Holly stirred back awake once Bigby left her bar from his 'investigation.' The drugs kicked in a while ago, but now she was really feeling it, since it was fucking around with her vision. She began to see wavy lines in her eyes as she stood slowly, wobbling a bit.

She was in her UnGlamoured form, her red troll self pushed the storage door open to the bar to find Grendel with his head down, asleep at the counter. Holly gave a weak smile but it faded quickly once she noticed the bottle next to him. 'Damn it...' She whispers to herself as she picked the sleeping man up slowly, carrying him back into the storage room.

He was tiny in her big troll arms as she set him down gingerly on the cot, he shifted like a infant before beginning to reawaken. "Holl?" He asks softly, reaching his hand out to her. Holly gave him her hand & let him give her thin fingers a quick squeeze.

"Yeah, it's me, Gren." She says softly while taking her heels off. With a quick flash of Green light, she Glamoured up again, so both her and Grendel would fit on the mattress. Gren began shifting, taking his dark orange jacket off slowly and dropping it to the floor next to her shoes.

Holly was a little high from the medical ambrosia Doctor SwineHeart gave both her and Gren for their bullet wounds they received at her sisters funeral by uninvited asses, Tweedle Dee & Dum. But Grendel was soaring like a fucking kite right now, as he lifted his white wife beater tang top off his body and dropped that on to the floor as well.

Holly turned to the shelf and pulled out a folded sheet for the chilly nights she used for the cot. She gave it to Gren who's fingers were fumbling with his belt, trying to undress himself on the mattress. Holly didn't mind much that he was basically stripping naked, she was took loaded from the drugs to care.

When she looked back, Gren only had his boxers on, waiting for Holly to crawl in next to him. He held out his arm for her as she slid in under the sheet, his left arm wrapping around her shoulders. He pecked her temple and rubbed her arm with his warm palm. She was freezing tonight for some reason, even though it was the middle of the summer.

Holly turned on her side so her head was basically pressing into Gren's chest, his black chest hairs tickling her face. Both his tan arms wrap around her body, one on her upper back, the other drifting near her bum. She inhaled gently, enjoying his natural scent of cologne & sweat, with a tint of alcohol.

"You were drinking, weren't you....?" She asks softly into his skin, looking up at him with her blue eyes. "Gren." She was ready to scold but he placed his lips on hers quickly.

"I'm sorry..." He fessed up, resting their foreheads together. He got really lovey-dovey when he was high, or extremely intoxicated. "I know, I shouldn't of done it... It's just... Fucking Woody..." He muttered to himself, looking down at Holly and running his long fingers in her white hair.

Earlier that night, Holly & Gren learnt that Lily & Woody were seeing each other secretly, & that basically was the destroyer of Their friendship with the woodsman. Holly was contemplating Banning him from the Trip Trap because of what he had done.... But she was too out of it to think about that now.

Grendel was still going on about his drinking & Holly leaned up, kissing him slowly to shut him up. She pulls away, her eyes began to water. "I don't care why you did it.... It's just..." She looked down, knowing she was beginning to cry. "I can't lose you too..."

Grendel had always been by her side since everyone was evicted from the Homelands, she loved him so much & yet, he's never seen her cry. "I-if you took in too much... You may have... You could have..." She couldn't Finnish her sentence. She already lost two of her three most important people in her life in one week... If she lost the last part, she would break.

Grendel hugged her closer, pulling her in & rocking her back and forth in his arms to calm her down. "Hush... I am okay... Don't worry about me baby doll, okay?" He cupped her chin slowly with his finger. "I want you to worry about yourself right now, don't worry about me... I'm a toughie." He winks his solid white eye at her, chuckling.

Holly was reduced to sniffles & nods now, looking up at the tall, muscular man who held her protectively in his embrace. She felt safe with him. "Okay... Okay..." She says softly, swallowing her pride & giving him a soft smile.

"Now, I want my girl to get some sleep tonight, okay? She needs it." He whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek quickly before turning on his side, pulling her back so her back was to his chest, her bum pressing his crotch.

"I love you, Holly..." Gren kisses up her neck while his hands wrapped around her hips, holding her gently.
Her cheeks went pink once he finally admitted what she always wanted to hear from him. "I love you too, Gren..." She looks back at him to kiss him quickly on the lips.

"Goodnight..." Holly said, looking at the wall & smiling to herself, feeling fuzzy inside. It was an alien feeling, but she really enjoyed it. Her mind began to run with happy thoughts... But then she reminded herself Grendel was intoxicated & probably didn't mean anything he just said...

The drugs wore off two hours ago for Grendel.


{ I wrote this more for my own entertainment because, if you haven't guessed by now, Grendel & Holly are my OTP & it makes me upset that the fandom sometimes forgets this ship & they don't get much attention from the fan base. I started to get sloppy because I'm writing this past Midnight but I hoped you enjoyed. Read & Review, please! Happy Valentine's Day too! <3 }

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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