Chapter 9

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4700+ words ~ no tw ~ a comedic relief/relaxing chapter after the last one ;) ~ pub 3/1/21

note: sapnap and drista are FRIENDS and FRIENDS only. they're a side friendship in this story. also the way marceline acts is just her personality :)


Day two of friends week

"George, it's been well past a week. I need to put some sort of statement out there."

Dream rummaged through a drawer absentmindedly as George huffed from the corner of the room. Sapnap had repeatedly asked to go to the beach since they awoke in the morning, and Dream had agreed though had no idea where he would find a swimsuit. His bedroom drawers were filled with socks and old hoodies and ruffled shirts of every sort, though no typical Floridian beach attire was present.

"No. At least wait until tomorrow, today we are going to hang out because the closest thing we have done to 'hanging out' was falling asleep on a thin blanket overnight. I took a shower and I still keep finding grass and dirt in my hair."

George ruffled through his hair in annoyance, and Dream admired his persistence. George's hair looked oddly different in person; on screen it mostly looked to lay flat on his head, brushing his forehead ever-so slightly. But in person it curled at the tips, and there was life from the deep colored roots.

Sighing, he flung an old grey t-shirt to the floor and responded monotonously, "But people deserve an explanation." He hastily opened a new drawer, and with a slight careful undertone he continued, "I haven't even talked to anyone else on the server. They probably hate me."

This time George sighed, and he made his way to Dream's side and firmly gripped an arm that made to chuck another clothing item on the ground.

"No one hates you. They're concerned, and confused, but not angry." Letting go of Dream's arm he traced a fingernail across a board of the dresser contemplatively. Like he wondered if he should disclose the information Dream knew he knew. "They've reached out to me and Sapnap repeatedly. When we arrived I simply told them you were alright, but you just needed some time."

George sagged his shoulders a bit, and a shameful flush plastered his face; he felt bad for making a statement for him.

"It's okay," Dream said knowingly, and George flashed a half-smile before making his way to the doorway.

"By the way, I'm not wearing a swim suit, so you're on your own," George remarked amusedly over his shoulder.

And as though on cue, Sapnap rushed past George, holding up a tinted pink floral swimsuit bottoms that screamed horrifically I'm on vacation, but my swimsuit makes me fit in. "Bite your tongue, George. We're gonna look snazzy in our swimsuits. Anyway, aren't you looking forward to seeing Dream shirt-"

Whether instinctively or absentmindedly, Dream interrupted casually, "You're not wearing those."

Sapnap frowned. "And why's that?"

"Because it has flowers. I may not be able to see whatever color those are," George butt-in, circling his finger toward the bottoms Sapnap held up, "and I may not know much about Florida, but I know those are probably not what you should wear to a beach full of hundreds of people who will probably be very judgmental."

Before Sapnap could retort, Dream asked, "What, do you not like flowers, George?"

George looked confused before muttering unamused, "I like flowers. I just don't think they should be on swimsuits."

He loosed a laugh, rolling his eyes before sinking to the floor to look in a bottom drawer. Then, thankfully for Dream, his eyes wandered.

"Ah, hah!" Dream shrieked, pulling out a bundle of swimsuits from a box under his bed. He looked especially amused when he pulled out two flower-pasted swim-bottoms, tags still intact, and dangling them for George to see. "You know what Nick, wear them." He looked to George and smirked devilishly. "We're all going to match."

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