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Valentine's Day was around the corner, and Inaho was choosing flowers to put on the windowsills of his and Slaine's café. He was deciding upon red roses alone, or red and white roses. Red and white would look better, he decided, paying for them. 

"Orange!" Slaine, or 'Bat' (nicknamed by Inaho), called towards his companion, running to help him with his baggage, "what took you so long? We're almost open!"

"Sorry. I had to work through some tough decisions." Inaho said blankly.

Slaine looked at him with a 'are-you-kidding-me' face, but let it slide. "Come on, we still have to help Inko with the decoration. Then we have to help Yuki to frost the cupcakes! And the floors aren't sweeped-!"

They had walked into the café, and it was total utter chaos. 

Inko had gotten her hair tangled in the decoration, and Yuki had frosting all over her face, and no one had cleaned anything.

"I think I am going to die." Slaine muttered, eye twitching.

Inaho blinked, how did Yuki-nee even get frosting in her hair?


After many rushed minutes, the café seemed to be back in order. The decorations were up, and the cupcakes had been frosted, the café clean. 

Valentine's Day had been hectic, but it brought in a lot of customers, and that was really all that mattered.

"Oomf!" Slaine sighed as he got comfortable on the couch of his and Inaho's small apartment. "What a nightmare."

"I agree," Inaho was taking off his jacket at the front door, "but it was a succesful day."

Slaine layed an arm on his face, but still not relaxing, "We still have to clean up that mess. And we have to pay the rent soon. Plus we are running out of food. Can you go grocery shopping tomorrow? I need to check up on Asseylum-san at the hospital-" Slaine felt his arm being moved off his face, and he could see Inaho standing in front of him with another one of his poker faces.

"Um-" Inaho cut him off by giving him a hug, wrapping his arms around th blond-haired boy.

"You worry too much, Bat. It's Valentine's, you should relax. The worries are for another day."

Slaine objected, "But we don't have time-!" 

"You carry the weight of everything on your own shoulders." Inaho interrupted him, "You must understand that you doon't have to carry that weight by yourself." He took a deep breath, "You have helped us all so much; me, Yuki-nee, Inko, Calm, Rayet, Seylum, and many, many more."

Slaine was shocked at what he said after, "Without you, we would all be on the streets. No," Inaho shook his head, "we would have been dead. But you came along and gave us a helping hand. You picked us up when no one else would. It didn't matter to you that you couldn't pick us up; you worked so hard unitl you could pick us up."

Inaho looked straight at Slaine, his face showing emotion for the first time in a while; happiness. "We would like to pick you up too." We know you're sad, we know about how your father left you.

          ♪  ❝ the world is too heavy ❞  ♩

"Share that weight; you deserve help." I see you worry about us, Inaho thought, I see you cry when you think no one is there. Tears filled his eyes. 

          ♫  ❝ too big for my shoulders ❞  ♬

Slaine stared at Inaho; the poker faced Inaho, was crying. The blonde smiled, tears blurring his eyesight, "Sure. Help me carry this weight."

Inaho smiled back, "I'll take the weight off you now."

      ❝ come take the weight off me now 


At the same moment, someone slipped a note under their door:

     'I'm sorry, my son.'

There was a check attatched to it, with enough money to last a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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