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Italics- thinking in mind

Bold italic- Said to perform truth or dare.

The 6 you are in fang's haunted house. Inside a room which.....has to be cleaned up sometime.....latter....

We're gathered here to play ' truth or dare' game! Looks like it's gonna be .... Very......😂 good!


*Before going to haunted house*

Lily:I am here to explain the rules!😤

Gopal:yes captain!🤑



Lily:ahem!! Rules-

1)_No dangerous stuff!

2)_one should be strictly performing the dare with no hesitation!

Gopal:uh.......*puppy eyes*please.....

Ying and yaya:*glares at Gopal*


Lily:3)_ don't ever try to escape!

It's a very dangerous game!*evil smirk*


Lily: okay! Only three rules!

Fang: only three?..... I think I'm going to die tonight......

Boboiboy: don't take it that seriously dude! It's for fun!


Lily's POV.

I think today is going to be fun! Only if I made something crazy.....😈

Fang: what are you thinking? It's already getting late now. C'mon, hurry up.

Lily: okay boss! 'Why the heck I called him boss!?🥴'


We arrived infront of fang's haunted house. It's kinda scary here, everything is dark.....

We're standing infront of the gate. I'm a bit scared.... but I don't think that fang is scared because he's going inside the gate.

Fang: c'mon,get in guys,eh....?

Fang turned around to look at a coward hiding behind yaya.

Fang: Gopal,we have to go in . .now!

BBB:get in,we have to play!

Yaya: yes,we only had one night to play this game.

Gopal: alright alright! Who's scared after all?.....

We got inside. Everyone went inside a room and sat on the floor. Good thing that it was clean.....

We sat down in a circle. An empty bowl was kept on the middle of us.

BBB:Okay? Let's start!

Lily: take these notes.

I handed each of them two small sheets of paper, and a pen for writing.
one for truth and one for dare.

I have two notes mind making a good idea for the dare!

Normal POV

After some minutes, every one was ready. BBB took everyone's notes which were properly folded. He keep all of them inside the empty bowl in the middle of the circle which we formed.



The next chapter is
Going to be pretty cute.....

Hope you all would like my ideas ..

Boboiboy Truth Or Dare Where stories live. Discover now