Chapter 7

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I'm going on a date with Jeff. "I see someone remembered." Jeff says walking by.

After I eat breakfast I run upstairs to get ready. I take a shower washing out all the dirt and gunk that built up in my hair. After that I rinse everything out and I get out of the shower. I dry myself off and I put on some normal black skinny jeans, a white hoodie, and some black converses. I dry my hair and it goes to a wavy mess.

I sigh straiting for my hair for an hour. When it doesn't get on my nerve I walk over to some make up. I put on mascara and I'm done with my make up. Okay I'm ready.

I walk downstairs to see Jeff waiting at the door. He's in his usual hoodie, jeans, and shoes but his hoodie isn't bloody. I raise my eyebrow and walk over to him. "I see you're ready to go." I nod my head and we leave.

We walked up to the portal and he said a few words. We walk through it and I almost fall but Jeff catches me. "Good reflexes." I say getting away from his grasp. We walk into town and Jeff takes me to a little restaurant.

We sit down and a lady walks over. "What would y'all like today." She gets a pen and notepad out. "We'll both have cheese burgers and some lemonade." She writes it down and walks off.

"Jeff how are people not looking at you." I ask and he looks at me. "Well to everyone except for you I have a illusion on. It's me if I looked normal." I nod as he talks. This date is boring. I huff and I look down. "Everything alright." I look up to see a concern Jeff. "Yeah totally." I laugh nervously.

After we eat, we walk over to a abandoned park. "This is cool." I run over to the swing. Jeff walks behind me and start to push me. After a couple of minutes I fall. I turn around to see the swing broke.

"You okay." Jeff asks walking over to me, laughing a bit. "I'm fine." He gives me a hand and pulls me up. I look up at the sky to see it's getting dark already. "I have one more place to show you." He says taking my hand. I interlock our fingers and I smile.

We walk into the woods onto a clift. "This is amazing." I smile going over to the edge. I look down to see a bug drop. I walk back and Jeff wraps his arms around me. Now this is more like it. I smile putting my hands on top of his.

He turns me around after a while. I look up at him to see he's leaning down. I freeze as he touches his lips with mine. I close my eyes, getting on my tippy toes. He pulls back and smiles. "Let's go back to sender's." I nod my head and we go back to his place.

I walk up to my room and I close the door. I sigh and I change into some pjs. I hear the door open and I turn to see Jeff in his boxers. I blush and he sits on my bed. "I'm sleeping in here." He says and gets under the covers.

I walk over and I get under the covers next to him. I close my eyes and I feel an arm wrap around me. "Your bed is comfortable." He mumbles and I laugh. "Goodnight Jeff." I mumble back and I drift off into the best sleep I've ever had.

Happy Valentine's Day guys!!!!!!
I have no one to celebrate this day with so I'll just read and eat chocolate. That's my plans. What are yours? Byeeee

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