Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning feeling off. My eyes felt sore and tired. I don't want to go to school today. I stayed up wayyyyy to late playing Danganronpa. Why can't I go to sleep at a normal time for once! I stopped my hissy fit and decided to get ready.

I get into my cute school uniform that consists of a fitted button up shirt with a tie around the neck, with a miniskirt and thigh high socks. I looked into the mirror and directly down at my chest. "Why can't my chest be big like Junko's!" I yell too loud. I then proceed to fix my hair snd put my shoes on. I looked at the time "UWAHHH IM GOING TO BE LATEEEE" I grab my books and laptop and head down to the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast and put it in my mouth running out the door. I feel like one of those cute anime girls. Uwahhhh.

I slow down as I get to the school gate, but as I'm heading in I see someone. And it's not just anyone..... It's Jaiden. Our eyes met and you could just feel the tension. Their brown sparkling orbs started straight into me. My legs felt week, I was almost unable to walk. 'Wow' is all I thought to myself. The popular enby broke our stare and headed into school without a second glance. What was that feeling? My face felt hot and I could feel something in my area. It felt warm and wet. 'seriously! It was only a glance'. Gosh seriously y/n, pull yourself together! I just let it slide and ran into school as I heard the second bell ring. I had to get into class in time because this class was really important!

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