Chapter 2

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I run into school as fast as I can to try and get to class. I can feel the wet pussy juice inside my panties which made it kiiiiinda uncomfortable to run but I ran anyway. I reach the class door and open it to see everyone sitting down. "Y/n you are late please take a se- WHAT IS ON YOUR BAG! THAT IS EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE" Mr Sangwoo yelled at me. I started to panic, what was so inappropriate about my bag? I take my bag off my back to see what was on it. OMG NO! ITS MY LIMBLESS HAJIME BAG! Uwahhhhh this is so embarrassing, why did this happen to me. That's probably why Jaiden stared at me. I'm so embarrassing~

I take a seat I'm class even though I can feel the stares I was getting. "You have a lunchtime detention with my y/n. And I don't ever want to see this monstrosity in my class ever again!" My face becomes flushed with embarrassment. The teacher started the lesson. At least he didn't start the lesson yet, I couldn't miss on learning why Makoto Naegi pissed the bed until 5th grade. It was a VERY important part of our learning.

Class ended and as I was about to head out to lunch I remembered that I had a detention. This is going to be so boring. I went and sat back down at my desk. Until something caught my eye. Jaiden walked through the door. They used the powerful gaze that they used on me before class. My pussy got even more wet at the site. Oh gosh how did that happen again. The hot popular enby came and sat down right next to me and looked my up and down until our eyes met. They stared at me and said "you have a really hot bag. Where'd you get it" uwahhhhhhh~ I'm freaking out. Does Jaiden also like Danganronpa omgggggg. I hope they cosplay as well. I want to be fucked by miu so bad. "I- uh- t- thank-k y-you *blushes*" gosh I can't control myself. They only told me that I have a hot bag. Ahhhhh~ I need to change my underwear so bad before it literally soaks through even more than it already has. "You smell like wet pussy not gonna lie" Jaiden said hotly. "H-how do y-you know what w-wet pussy smells like" I say back. "What can I say, I'm pretty experienced all of that type of stuff. Do I look like a virgin to you?" They say with smirk. Oh god I think I just came. "STUDENTS PLEASE DON'T HAVE THIS TYPE OF CONVERSATION NOW" Mr Sangwoo yells. I pretty much forgot he was there to be honest. "You know what, leave, just leave before I break your ankles" Jaiden and I leave the class. As soon as we do I run to the bathroom to change my cum filled panties with new ones.

Just as I walk out of the bathroom the bell goes. I didn't even get to have lunch! I sigh and head to my next class. Math. I hate math.

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