Chapter Two

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After a hard day of work, when bedtime came, I surprisingly had a jolt of energy. I was excited to continue my love story.

I hopped in the bed "Are you ready for part two?"

"You betcha!" Maddie said excitedly.

"Okay, here goes.. Again.."

I was Marissa and Kris' babysitter for about a week and a half now. I didn't work on weekends and I went home early on some days. I sat in the living room doing my homework and Kris and Marissa, who had finished theirs, sat in front of the television as usual with their games.

"Excuse me Skylar, but do you know how to drive?" Monica asked me and scared me a little because I didn't hear when she walked in.

"Yes I do, actually I'm saving for a car with this job."

"Oh, great. I have a little favour for you to do." I stared at her, she obviously got the telepathic message to continue "Can you drive to the supermarket and pick up a few items for me, take Kris and Marissa with you. I'll pay you extra."

"Awesome!" I said clearly excited about this.

"Great. There is a black Nissan parked on the far left of the garage, use that. If you want to buy some groceries for yourself go straight ahead." she said as she planted four hundred dollars in my hand.

She ordered the kids to get ready to go to the supermarket immediately or they would not get any treats. She gave me the key to the car and a shopping list of things that looked like they didn't even cost one hundred.

It was a half an hour drive to the nearest supermarket. I parked, got out and grabbed a cart. Kris pushed it while Marissa stood at the front clinging on for the ride. We went through aisle by aisle checking the stuff on the list off. We went to the snack aisle and Kris and Marissa abandoned the cart and went wild.

I stood over by the peanut butter just staring, wondering if I should get crunchy or creamy. Someone stood next to me, like they were doing the same thing.


I looked I've at the person in confusion but then my eyes shot open in realization of who it was.


He raised eyebrows indicating a "yes" and gave me a smirk.

"You know... If I didn't know better, I'd say you were stalking me" I said with a smile.

He chuckled... As though he was guilty!

I chose creamy and we walked side by side in silence. Marissa and Kris had disappeared so I guessed he hadn't seen his siblings.

"I'm here with your brother and sister you know?" I said breaking the silence.

"Really?" his face lit like a kid in a candy store.

"Yup! I let them go freeeeeeeeee." I said with a chuckle. He laughed.

"So I'm guessing Mom sent you." he frowned a little.

"Yea. I don't mean to be forward but.... what happened? Your mom loves you. I see the way she stares at photos of you in her purse and gets swept away. I've even seen her cry. She misses you."

"I know she does. It's just Richard, she's like his... His... His puppet!" I could hear the anger in his voice. "Every time he-"

"DECLAN!!!" Kris and Marissa came screaming down the aisle. He hugged and lifted them. I couldn't help but smile. He looked so adorable. He seemed to be in a better mood now that he had seen them.

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