Chapter 6- Goody-two shoes

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Ariana , Suna and Osamu were sat in class , waiting for the teacher to dismiss them for lunch. As soon as she gave them the nod, they all sped out of the class to the hallways.

"Hey , we need to talk to you." Suna said to a confused Ariana. "Yeah its kinda important..." Osamu added. Ariana gave them a puzzled look, but allowed them to carry on.

"So you know Tsumu, he likes you." Osamu bluntly stated. Ariana looked at him with an even more puzzled look before letting out a loud laugh. "Yeah , yeah good joke Samu."

"It's true , Ari...." Suna added , "it's pretty obvious you know." He chuckled. Ariana shook her head aggressively.

"Boys he's not even here right now, because he's at a training camp in Tokyo. TOKYO! He was recognised as the best high school setter at nationals the other year, and Samu you guys are practically famous over here. Fan girls flock you left right and centre and he gets a confession every other day. There's literally a fan girl behind us right now.
Ayo have you heard of personal space, fucking leave us alone.
Trust me he doesn't want me Samu , Suna. Especially when he could have models and famous people as girlfriends."

"Ari aren't you a model?" Suna asked, "well yeah Rin , but my point still stands." She giggled.

"Ariana , I'm literally Tsumu's twin, I'm pretty sure I'd know when he has feelings for a girl. He also has rejected almost every one of the girls who have confessed AND you know that, making your point invalid." Osamu scoffed.

"Okay fine , whatever but me and Atsumu Are best friends." Ariana scoffed back.

"No Ariana, we are best friends and you don't act that way towards me do you? What about Kayla , I never see you acting that way around her? Hell even Rin, you never act like that with him Hmm..." Osamu inquired.

Ariana replied with a simple , "fuck off , even if I did like him he won't like me back. Also if I sucked it up and confessed , I'd be like every other one of his fan girls. Even worse he could reject me."

"Bitch are you stupid," Suna spat, "we've literally just told you a shit ton of reasons why he does like you, why you should confess and why he won't reject you. Your gormless Ari , you really are." He laughed. Ariana just tutted, "Jeez Rin, no need to be so harsh."

The three of them continued to walk along the corridors bickering back and fourth about if Atsumu did indeed like Ariana.

"Hey Ari , what are you doing here?" Kayla asked a pretty lost Ariana.

"Hmmm, me nothing just waiting for Atsumu." She answered looking around. "Girl , he's not here , he's still at the training camp in Tokyo." She giggled , Ariana also giggled. "Whoops I forgot , it's just become routine now. Are all the boys still here ?"

"Yeah they're all here , just getting changed." Kayla laughed , "you gonna wait?"

"Yeah I'll just walk home with my brother and Samu or something." Ariana said. "Text me when you get home Ariana," Kayla laughed before waving goodbye to her friend and setting off home.

"Ariana." Someone called out from the other side of the gym.

"Hey Kita , what's up?" Ariana answered, as Kita jogged up to her. "Mmm, nothing. Other than the fact a little birdie told me Atsumu has feelings for you." He chuckled, "you should ask him out, it's pretty obvious you have feelings for him too."

"Oh lord , was this birdie Osamu Miya? That man can't keep his mouth shut to save his life," Ariana giggled. "And I don't know if he likes me , he's my best friend I don't want to ruin that you get me?"

"He likes you back though-" Kita began. "Did he tell you that?" Ariana interrupted. "Can't say Ari," Kita answered before walking off.

"Just do it, I believe in you." He added before waving goodbye and jogging off home.

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