chapter idk (4?!?)

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When we all get to our beginning spots I see a tall boy who looks like a candy cane and smells like a alpha 🌠i know todoroki is not there but its for the plot🌠 he looks back and down at me. I smile and wave at him. "Hi" I say to him "hello" he says to me "what's your name-" I get cut off by a loud voice saying "go" me and the tall boy take off running. I summon some demons and they tale down some robots. I turn in to my hell hound form. people around me starting running from a approaching robot . I attack said robot that is coming to me I jump on it and take off the metal plate that is protecting the mother bord. I bite the mother bored. I think that is about 70 points so far by the ending have 160 points. On my way home I pull out my pice of shit phone but lucky to have it and look though Instagram. All of the suddenly I bump in to a female omega brunette. We fall to the ground before we even hit the ground she pokes me and we start to float from what I assume is her quirk.
"Sorry I hope you dont mind I used my quirk on you" she said as she puts us down. "Oh no its fine" I say as I helper up "well I must me on my way now" I start to walk a way
✨then he waddled away waddle waddle. If yk the reference ur a real one☝️ ✨
255 words I'm just lazy and have had no motivation to update so here ya go

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