Febuary 13th (friday) 12:00pm

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Today is Friday the 13th and like legends say something bad will happen to you, well something sorta bad happened. I woke up it was a normal day showered got dressed, did hair and make up and went shopping. That day I was supposed to be going over to my Grandma and papa's house, I called there house about oh idk 7 time not  of the times did I get an answer.

So we just go o er to my grandmas because we have a key and my aunty was writing at my house worried. My papa gets off at 7 and my grandma gets off at 5 so we called the house at 5:30 no answer so we just went there. We walk in the door and my papa comes barging in, still no sign of my grandma

2 hours later and 100 phone calls later

She finally calls us back we had no idea where she was she said she was having a couple drinks at the bar but didn't invite anyone else so we just ordered pizza and went on with life, my grandma had said on the phone she was finishing her drink but still 2 more hours later she fianally stumbles through the door "I'm home!!!''  We all burst out on laughter

So my day was pretty much trying to get ahold of my grandma, but that's not it. She starts talking for hours and hours about stories she had already told us about so as I'm lmfao she ends up passing out on me so I end up spending the rest of my night jamming out to Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lavoto while playing crazy 8's with my crazy cousin and now I'm here waiting and waiting to fall asleep but to no avail. Well I'm gonna try and fall asleep now hugs and kisses to all xoxoxoxo

Sweet dreams love y'all

PS thanks for reading my retarded day about my drunk AF grandma lmfao have a good night

-Brianna Rawlins-

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