6 0 0

you wake up in the morning and get ready and go downstairs to your brother Matthew eating but there was no food for you

ma:hey Matt where's my food

Matt:sorry I forgot sis

ma:is fine

you walk in school and go to the office to go get your schedule on your way to 6our locker you bump and to two girls one beautiful blonde hair one and beautiful  green eyes and one with bruntte hair with beautiful hazel eye

??????:sorry I should have been looking

ma: no it's my fault

??????:I'm sorry too I'm Autumn and this is summer

ma:hey I'm Masiy

sum:you seem nice wanna sit with our friends at lunch


Autt:come on your new you might make sum friends


sum: yayyyyy see you at lunch

Autt: actually I think me and Maisy have the Same class so let's go


after class

you go sit with summer and Autumn and sit with there friends

sum:hey may this is my friends Anthony,Caden,Henry and you know Autumn


ant,cay, are you......sup

you guy eat lunch and talk and then school over you guys exchanged numbers and they said that they will text you

at home

ma:Matt you home

you see that he wasn't home he left a note and it said he was at work out of the country and won't be home for about 5 months

masiy thoughts** how can he leave for so long and not tell me and just leave a note

you go upstairs to your room and start crying and say to your self

ma: my brother doesn't want me he doesn't even pay attention to me he can care less about me

then you cry your self to sleep

A\N: was it good if it wasn't the I will quit this book just tell me if it's bad

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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