Part 8 - Distress!

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Here we go,

Around midnight, they reached Kolkata.

The kids were already asleep in the flight.

Priya took Khush and Rajat picked up Peehu, they headed out of the airport.

Rajat's car was already waiting out, putting the luggage in the car, they drove off to their home.

After reaching home, Priya had a difficult time to handle kids and change their clothes as they were already asleep during the journey. Rajat helped her.

Putting the kids to sleep again and tucking them properly,

She locked herself in her room and cried her heart out.

Knowing her condition, he didn't disturb her. He stayed up in the living room, lying on the couch.

Priya was crying very badly, reminiscing all the memories, the moments which she had lived up with Ram, her love.

Their first meeting, their lovely moments and the hurtful moments which she suffered alone.

While her lips curved to smile remembering their lovely moments, her heart ached remembering the hurtful ones.

Folding her knees to her chest and resting her head on it, She cried bitterly the whole night, she didn't know how the whole night passed, she was so much indulged in crying and Ram.

The alarm buzzed, she came out of her trance of thoughts.

While she walked towards the washroom, her eyes went to mirror.

She looked pale, her eyes red and swelled up due to crying.

She didn't want to be in this condition again.

A fresh tear escaped her eye seeing herself like this.

Knock Knock...

"Priya..." Rajat called out slowly.

Priya wiped her tears, her voice was heavy due to crying. Clearing her throat, she replied,

"Yes...Yes, Rajat. I will get fresh and be out there. Give me some time, Please."

He went back saying okay.

She sighed and went to freshen up.

She relaxed a bit after a hot shower. After Getting ready, she went out of her room.

She saw Rajat sitting on couch.

"Rajat, you didn't even change your clothes after journey. Did you even sleep??" Priya asked raising her eyebrows.

"Did you? Priya?" asked Rajat.

She looked down.

She knew she is the reason for him to be like this, she felt guilty.

Rajat felt helpless seeing her condition.

Without answering she went to the kids room.

The kids were sleeping away to glory.

As it was Sunday, they didn't have to go to the play school, so she let them sleep. She pecked on their forehead and caressed their hairs and went out of the room.

While she walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Rajat too went behind her.

"Priya, are you fine?" asked concerned Rajat seeing her swelled eyes.

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