I wanted to

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He kissed me... Oliver kissed me... It was quick but still. Does that mean I have a chance? Maybe so I better not screw up.

I stand up and walk outside with the others. Rain pours down on my head and drips to the ground. I'm brought out of my trance by a swift smack upside the head.

"Ow!" I shout, rubbing my head.

"Me no speak 21 century. Me caveman!" Gachpoid billows, hitting me again with a stick.

"Aarrgh- you pay for hitting caveman Len!" I chase after him and pick up my own stick along the way. He trips, getting covered in mud.

I smack him with the stick and he grunts.

Kaito pushes me over, "AHAHA!"

Oh how I love this game.

We chase Yohio around a bit and after we were good and soaked we decided to go inside and dry off. I change into my pyjamas and dry my hair off in the bathroom. I hear a knock and I open the door, "Welcome to Charlie's hoe house- you got the dough we got the hoe, how may we aids you today?" The person on the other side of the door was not who I expected at all. "Oh... Oliver... heh heh- I thought you were Piko." I laugh.

"What's a... a hoe house?" Oliver asks.

"Umm, nothing you really need to know about." I scratch the back of my head.

Oliver pushes the door open, "Oh please tell me, Lenny!"

I blush a bit how close he is, "I really don't think you want to know..."

He pouts in the cutest freaking way, "..Fine!" He turns around and starts muttering, "It's not like I actually wanted to know anyways..."

"I mean it's an inside joke.." I stop him, "You'd only get it if you were there, Oliver. And you're kind of a little too innocent to understand, but that's a good thing-"

He turns around, "I'm not innocent."

I just stare at him. He really doesn't know how innocent he is? I lean down and kiss him on the nose and the look on his face is priceless.

He hides his face in his hands, "you're not suppose to kiss people for no reason."

"You did." I comment, laughing lightly.

"No." he protests.

What?.. "What.."

"Umm... well... I.. h-hey I just remembered, Piko wanted me to get his hairbrush!" He swerves around me and grabs the blue brush, running out of the room.

"Wait!" Aaand he's gone... he didn't answer my question.

I walk around until I find the others, sitting in the living room in the pillow fort that built. I run up and jump on it, knocking the whole thing down.

"Leennn!!!" Kaito whines, "You ruined it!"

"That's what you get for building g a fort without me." I smirk, rolling on top of him.

He kicks me off and throws a pillow at me.

I lay there as they all dog pile on top. I don't see the little blonde, though.

"H-hey.." I ask, trying to breath with all these crazy people on me, "Where's.... Oliver?"

"I sent him to go get you." Piko answers, calling off his dogs.

I sit up and take a deep breath, "He told me you asked him to get you your brush."

"I don't have a brush. I use a comb." he raises one eyebrow.

Why would Oliver lie?

"Want me to go find him?" Piko asks.

"I got it, thanks."

He's not on the first floor. I walk up the stairs and check all the rooms.

Nope.. nope.... nope... n-wait, bingo.

Oliver is siting on the floor by Piko's bed, brushing his damp hair.

"Piko's brush, huh?" I lean up against the door frame and he jumps.

"Lenny... hi." he giggles nervously.

"Why are you up here? Everyone's downstairs."

Oliver waits a minute before responding, "I dono... just am I guess."

I walk in and close the door, Oliver paying attention to every move I make, "So, about that question I asked you-"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Len." he obviously lies.

"Would you like me to refresh your memory?" I ask slyly.

"I uh.. um- well I..." he stutters, blushing. Why is he blushing? "I'm sorry Len. You probably think I'm weird and... but really I-"

"You're not weird. Well, all of us are weird but in a good way."

"But... but... I lied..."

"Bro, I know Piko doesn't use a hairbrush, it doesn't really ma-"

"No about that game."

"That Caveman thing. It wasn't your fault Hio ran into that tree-"

"No, no, Len. About that thing with the chocolate biscuits."

"Wha? Chocolate biscuits?"

"Poco or what ever you call it."

"Oh, Pocky? Don't worry, what happens at Piko's house stays at Piko's house."

Oliver lowers his head, "Oh... yeah, that's good.. W-we should go downstairs."

We walk downstairs to find everyone sitting in a circle, "What were you two doing up there?" Sammy asks.

"Probably making out." Hio adds.

"N-no!" Oliver blushes. I don't even react in so use to their crap.

"You were!" Hio jumps up, "Gach, you owe me ten bucks!"

"You were betting on that?!" I laugh.

"Yass." Gachpoid grins.

"Actually-" Sammy starts, "Piko bet you two were gonna make smoothies."

"Smoothies??" Oliver tilts his head.

"Inside joke, DragonBall parody. Okay so you have a banana and an orange-"

"That's enough!" I giggle, clamping my hand over his mouth.

"Just kidding." Kaito kicks back with a pillow, "But Hio and Gach were betting on it."

"Well we didn't so end of conversation." Oliver crosses his arms, sitting down.

We all stare at the upset boy.

"Calm down, Goldilocks. We were just messing with you guys." Sammy sighs.

"Well whatever, the night's not over yet. We still have a crap-ton of things on my list we need to do." I say, pulling out the sheet of paper.

"Yeah, weren't we gonna check out that old house down the road?" Kaito asks, sitting up.

"Isn't that the place no one's lived in since the mid 1900s?" Hio joins in.

"Is it haunted?" Oliver shivers.

"There's no such thing as haunted houses, Ollie." I comment.

"Oh so he's Ollie now?" Piko wiggles his eyebrows at me.


"Ollie and Lenny hehehehe!" Lui giggles.

"Lui- no." I throw a pillow at him.

"Len- yes." he mimics me, standing up, "I'll go get my umbrella."

"This is gonna be awesome." Hio laughs evilly, "I'm gonna scare the poops out of all you suckas!"

A/n: sorry for the lateness! There's hardly an Internet connection where I am so I had to wait until I got back to the hotel. I'll try to post the rest soon so until then, stay kawaii (as if you even need too)

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