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~Addison POV

"Sweet dreams princess" I said whilst carefully placing my sleeping daughter in her crib. Yes you heard me right, my daughter. You are probably just as confused as most so I am going to quickly bring you up to speed on my life real quick.

My name is Addison Rae easterling, I am 18 and I have a one year old daughter payson. She looks exactly like me with her dirty blonde hair but lucky her she has bright blue eyes unlike me with chocolate eyes. After I told the baby daddy I was pregnant he completely ghosted me and blocked me on all socials, so I guess he is out of the picture. Anyways around four months ago me and my besties (charli and Dixie) were bored so we decided to download the app tiktok as a joke, but soon after started gaining followers rapidly. Now less than half a year later I am currently sitting on 57mil, Dixie on 28mil and charli, well charli completely blew up and is resting on a comfortable 82mil.

Shortly after we had all gained over 1mil I was contacted by Thomas petrou (the creator of the hype house) asking me and my friends to come visit. At first I was hesitant as no one knows I have a child, I don't know why i haven't announced this massive part of my life yet, but I haven't and I don't know how to. So I went through my social media journey so far with no one knowing about payson except a small handful of people, such as:
Charli, my bsf, 16 years old, Dixies sister
Dixie, my bsf, 18 years old, charlis sister
My mom
My dad
My brothers
And any close friends from my home town in Louisiana.

I ended up saying yes to the trip across the country to L.A. With my besties, with the promise of my mom who offered to watch payson whilst I went. These trips started happening more regularly as it was how I earned money to pay for my me and my baby. However this couldn't go on for much longer, with my mom looking after payson most of the time so I knew I had to do something about it as my daughter is my responsibility.

Two months ago me, charli and Dixie started to look for apartments in Los Angeles so we could be able to live our lives and I wouldn't have to stress about leaving payson with my mom anymore. We ended up finding a perfect four bedroom penthouse apartment in downtown L.A. instantly falling in love and purchasing it leaving us little to no time to pack. We packed and the next week where in our new house half way across the country. Leaving my mom and family was difficult, but this was a necessary move to be able to bring my daughter up, and eventually share my secret to my friends and soon after the world. So to sum up my life, I grew up in Louisiana with my bsf's charli and Dixie damelio, got pregnant at 16 giving birth at 17 leaving me with a one year old child payson Rae easterling. Me, charli, Dixie and payson recently moved to L.A. To continue our social media jobs, raise my baby girl and soon release her to the public.

~still Addison POV

I kissed payson on her forehead and slowly left her bedroom, leaving the door slightly agar so I could listen out for any thing just in case she wakes up. I walked opposite heading in the direction to my bedroom where I was greeted by a very exited looking Dixie sitting on my bed awaiting my arrival. "Why are you so happy?" I asked as I spread myself out resting my head next to Dixie.
"Well, you know how I like Noah..." I knew Dix had liked Noah beck since like 2 months ago and obviously we had met him before as we used to hang at hype a lot and the boys would usually come round often.
"Yes..." I answered carefully awaiting her answer
"Well he just invited me to a party at sway tonight and said that you and charli are welcome to come!" She stated. I was over joyed for her, she had wanted this for ages, but I myself don't think I will be attending. I have my own real life responsibility being my baby girl. I do have a nanny for her who is literally my saviour from god, she is such a big help when I have meetings and charli and Dix aren't around, or just when I have to go out with people so it isn't to suspicious that there could be a secret this huge that I am hiding.
"Aww! I'm so happy for you dix!" I vocalised
"So your coming!" She gasped
"Now dix I never said that, I'm sorry but I just can't I have to be with pay" I sighed, knowing how fun it would be but also reminding myself that I have real life responsibility's, unlike most teens. I wanted to be here with my baby tonight even if she is asleep, I want to be here to comfort her if she has a nightmare and I don't want to have to call on lexi (the nanny/babysitter) so last minute.

"Addison..."she said, carefully lifting my chin up to look her in the eyes.
"I know that you are feeling extremely guilty a the moment, but I promise that this will be fun, even though you are a mom, doesn't mean you aren't a teenager who likes to party and hang with her friends." She announced with a slight bit of hope in her eyes and tone.
I normally take two days a week of work, with no meeting no nothing just for me and my little one. Tomorrow was one of those days and I know for sure that I did not want to have a hangover, or have my mind focused on anything other than my sweetheart.

"Dixie... I can't" I miserably spoke, shower her how much I wanted to go but couldn't find it in me to be able to.
"Addi, I'm not going to force you, but you know lexi can come, and I promise you now that we will be home before 3am at the latest" she is really trying to make me give in now, and I was working, I was actually contemplating it now instead of having my mind set on no.
"Okay fine... I wil, go but we are coming back tonight no matter what okay?"
"Yes addi, I promise"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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