part 9

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Bom was hung by a rope which was fixed to the fence of upstair.Her legs were tied together and her head was downwards. The seven boys were surrounding her with crossed arms while Bom was struggling to beat them.

Hoseok was holding his burnt new pants while Yoongi was covered in mud.Only Namjoon was spared by Bom.And now her punishment time.

"I will tell this to Mr.Kim!!Just wait you jerks!"she rambled while swaying here and there."This is completely violence!!domestic violence!"

Jungkook grabbed her by her hair harshly making her scream."Then what about our cars?It's called vandalism bitch!"

Bom tried to get rid of from his grip but he held her hair tightly making her scalp painful."AAAHHH!It hurts you jerk!Let go!!"she screamed in pain.

"Jungkook that's enough!"Namjoon said sternly.Jungkook sighed in annoyance and let her hair go."Come on guys!this is enough hm?"

"What?we haven't even started yet?"Hoseok asked confusely since they haven't even started to torture her.They just forcefully hang her up but did nothing else.

"Hyung,let me teach her a lesson"Taehyung came forward with his lighter but Namjoon quickly sent him a glare making him step back.

"Joon,this brat is going too far.We need to teach her a lesson.Do you even know what she did to me?!She fucking pushed me to the pool when I was in an important phone call!!"Jin also took others side."And look at Yoongi!Yoongiya!say something!"

Everyone looked at him expecting something from him.Yoongi was awkward because of the sudden attention. He cleared his throat."yeah,just go ahead and do whatever you were talking about"he simply said with a nod.

Bom looked at Namjoon who was the only person who is talking for her.She was glad that she didn't do anything to him and determined not to mess with him again.

"Joon oppa!please save me!I can't stay like this whole night!"She gave him puppy eyes with a pout.Namjoon sighed.

"It won't work on me.Don't think I'm taking your side.I'm just doing this for myself"he spat with an eye roll.

Bom glared at him the second he finished his words."I'm sorry you jerk.I won't think like that ever again"

Namjoon shook his head like he's done with her."Anyways,guys,let her go.Just bear with her until father comes"

"Do you think I'll stop when Mr.Kim comes?"Bom interrupted with her arms over her chest.

"Hyung,let me just kill her one time.Please,that's all I want,just once and I won't ever ask"Hoseok asked in a pleading manner.

Bom laughed finding his statement funny."You silly bastard,you won't have to ask twice if you are given a chance to kill me"

"That's why I asked ,you silly bitch"Hoseok replied back with a smirk.

Hoseok was directly infront of Bom.Suddenly Bom swayed her body backwards and it resulted her to swing forward with a strong force.As soon as she reached Hoseok,she hit his forehead with hers with so much force.

"AAHH!YOU--!!"Hoseok stumbled backwards holding his forehead.His eyes turned dark reaching his limits. Others gasped with her sudden stunt.

She rubbed her forehead in pain since she also had the same pain Hoseok felt.Hoseok's instinct worked before his mind and in the next second, a knife was against her neck.He held her hair by one hand and the knife was on his other hand.

Everyone's eyes went wide feeling panicked. Jin was quick enough to push Hoseok away safely not letting the knife hurt Bom.And Bom?she never expected it.It was a freaking knife.Even tho,she knew that they were angered to the point they want her to be vanished,she never expected their feelings to be literal.She blinked few times processing what happened. Her step brother tried to kill her?Just because of she hit his forehead?Little did they know how much they have been tolerating her annoying ass. They are used to kill people who annoys them and it was instinct.They are monsters.There is no tolerance in them.

Taehyung quickly rushed forward and lit up his lighter infront of Bom.Everything went blank after few words from him.

"Everything is a dream.Nothing was real"

She heard whispers before drifting off to sleep.Taehyung controlled her mind and bewitched her. Hypotonising.

"Hyung"Jimin whispered looking at Hoseok who was raging.Jimin sighed running his fingers through his hair."Guys!listen!Just let her be will you?!She won't touch us if we do not hurt her.She is just taking revenge.Let's all father get to know what happened,we all will be doomed!"

"You are wrong Jimin. She wants our attention"Taehyung said turning to them."The best thing we can do is,ignore her.Whatever she does,don't mind her.Let her do whatever she wants, and then she will stop knowing we are not giving what she wants"

Namjoon heaved a deep sigh looking at the sleeping Bom who was still hanging."Let's move her to her room.It's good that she's a sleep.We can go to our mission today without a worry"

Time skip

Bom woke up with a heavy headache.She was in her bed.She sat up holding her head."what the heck happened?"she muttered to herself.She squinted her eyes."W-Why can't I remember anything?"

She tried hard but nothing came to her mind."I came home and pushed Seokjin to the pool and then?what happened next?"

Just then Mrs.Choi, the head maid came inside after knocking twice. "Little miss,did you sleep well?"she asked with a kind smile.

Bom looked at her confusely. She wasn't sure if she slept well.well,it has to be since I don't even remember what happened yesterday.She thought to herself."I slept well?"it came out as a question.

Mrs.Choi smiled sadly knowing everything.She witnessed boys' cruelty.But she was glad that they didn't cross the lines except Hoseok's incident.

"Yeah I think little miss slept too much.You came and slept saying you are tired"She lied through her teeth because of boys' threats."Go and wash up little miss.I'll bring your breakfast"

"No"She suddenly rejected confusing Mrs.Choi. "I want to have breakfast with my brothers today"

Mrs.Choi widened her eyes."Little miss,please have your breakfast here.They will be engraved--"

Bom cut her off."Why?I am their sister and I'm a part of this family. I need to eat my breakfast with them!"with that she got off and ran inside the bathroom.

Mrs.choi was really anxious about her decision. She was specifically ordered not to bring her to the dining table.They really hated their step sister to the point they never want to have a meal with her.

Bom came outside wearing school uniform. "Little miss,please,have breakfast in here.I'll bring anything you want--"

"Don't worry Mrs.Choi.I won't bother them.I'll just have my breakfast and will leave silently. Okay?"she chimed with a smile and did an okay sign before jumping outside the room.

As soon as she reached the dining table,she only could see Yoongi,Jimin and Hoseok.They felt her presence but no one gave her attention.

"Guys,where are others?"she asked taking a seat next to Yoongi.No one responded.They continued to eat without giving her a damn shit.

"Hey,why are you guys not replying?where are others?"

Again no reply.She was really confused."What's wrong with you guys?"

Bom was staring at them dumbfoundedly.She blinked innocently.

What's wrong with them?


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