III: Aboard the Jackdaw

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"Hide the bodies, lads. We've got a young one here." Kenway ordered silently, and the crew threw every carcass into the ocean just before Mary had come out.

It was already morning, the sun still in it's hiding, and the atmosphere was very fresh. The crashing of the waves made everything crisp, and the wind blew fairly as Mary walked with Kenway. There were two men above on the main topmast lowering the ship's flag (although it was unnecessary), and the rest had cargo in their hands, together with Mary's belongings;  transporting them to a different ship.

"Hop aboard," Kenway merrily said, trying to sound appealing to the child. He extended an arm, smiling-- exposing his, very yellow teeth.

Mary grabbed it without hesitation, and was pulled up once again onto another ship.

"Jesus Christ, Kenway!" James Kidd cried out as the two walked towards him, "You've got yourself a wee bairn!-"

"No Kidd. Young lady." Kenway corrected, Mary silently thanked the man for correcting the other man who had just called her a 'wee bairn'.

"What's your name, kid?" a man with fearing presence interrupted,  ignoring Kenway's correction. What had caught Mary's was his.. beard.

"Mary Landis." she answered, still looking at his beard.

"Ah, Mary Landis. The individual that seeks adventure." Kidd spoke. "Indeed," the bearded man agreed. 'Kenway, that little shite.'  he thought.

This was the first time that Kidd's got it right,  Mary thought. And was slightly flattered.

"So, Mary. Whe'e ya' headin'?"

"I don't know." Mary lied.

"We'll take you then to Nass--ow." Kenway cried out. He had been knocked at the balls by Thatch, who walked towards the stolen cargo as Kenway grabbed his crotch.

"Great." James smiled to himself, crossing his arms as he leaned further. He slightly furrowed his brows at Kenway's odd position, and laughed for no reason as he swigged a bottle of rum, which Mary did not notice.

Mary, standing in front, looked from one pirate to another. She knew they were pirates, it was bloody obvious. She was interested, and walked towards the crying Kenway with fiery eyes.

"Mister Edward Kenway," she said.

He looked up at her and muttered out a 'yes' as she went on. "Would you take me to your island?"

"Yes, Miss Mary. My island." Kidd answered for her.

She gladly went back to the main deck of the ship to look around and watch the crew.
"How did that small thing get here?!"  Thatch hissed, as he pulled up Kenway from his hood. "She was inside-- in John's cabin! And she had no idea what was going on!"
"He's got a daughter?!" 
"No! And we're going to leave her first at Nassau with Anne in the Old Avery. She seems to have no elders--"
"But we've got to look for Francis Hume, for Christ's sake!--"  Thatch stopped and faked a smile, patting Kenway in the back (rather, hard enough to break his bones) as Mary turned back to them. And Kenway smiled back unnaturally.

Kidd was as just as relaxed, sitting on the rails, watching the direction where the ship was going.

"We better get going now, Edward."

The two Edwards looked up.  Adéwalé had been standing on the quarter deck long enough to watch the conversation, and had his arms crossed showing the muscle he had gained.

Thatch dropped the assassin's hood back on his shoulders and walked to the forecastle deck, allowing Kenway to continue the journey.

"Alright everyone," Kenway announced, already on the quarter deck. "We're heading to Nassau."

"Jackass," Blackbeard cursed.

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