Chapher 3- Extra Tutoring

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I woke up a bit earlier this morning excited to get to school to see my teacher and friends. I quickly got up, showered and got ready and left the house. As soon as I got to school, I got out and met up with Peter, Ned, and MJ who were talking about the upcoming trip to DC for the Academic Decathlon and they were trying to convince me to go. I told them I'd think about it and I left for first period with Ms. Romanoff.

As soon as I walked in, I handed her my quiz and picked up today's work from her desk and then sat down to take out my materials for today. When the second bell rang and everyone was at their seats, Ms. Romanoff explained the work for today and then sent everyone off to work. The assignments were pretty easy, but I felt nervous because I could feel her gaze on me and it made me nervous and every little bit, I would look up at her and she would be sitting at her desk working on something and then she would look up at me and smile and that went on for most of the class period and towards the last five minutes she finally spoke to me and said "Y/n, I'd like you to stay back after class." I nodded my head yes and went back to working and when the bell rang, I started packing up and walked up to Ms. Romanoffs desk and she smiled at me and said "I'm impressed. In all of my years of teaching, you scored the highest on this quiz." I smiled at her and then she asked "How did you know all of this?" And I responded "I've been studying Russian on my own for years, so the quiz was pretty easy." She nodded her head and said " I was thinking since it seems like you are far ahead of the class, why don't we schedule some extra time to work together to make this class worth while?" I thought about it for a moment and said "that sounds like a good idea. When do you wanna start?" She smiled and said "Let's meet after school today in my classroom." I smiled and said "yes ma'am" and quickly walked out before I was late to the rest of my classes.

~Time jump~~
The day went by fast and I had lunch with MJ, Ned and Peter, and it was time for tutoring with Ms. Romanoff, so I started walking to her classroom. My feelings were all over the place. I was gonna be in a room alone with her for a few hours and I was freaking out. 'What if I make a fool of myself? What if she thinks I'm an idiot? Oh,shit. What if she finds out I like her? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Okay, Y/N, take a deep breath. You'll be fine. She won't find out. I finally got to her door and took another deep breath to calm my nerves and opened the door to find Ms. Romanoff writing some Russian exercises on the board. I stood there watching her. She looked gorgeous. Her curly red hair laid perfectly on her shoulders, her dress perfectly accentuating her curves, she looked like a goddess. Ms. Romanoff then turned to look at me with a smirk on her face and asked "are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in, beautiful?" I blushed hard at the compliment and walked to the desk closest to her in the front, put my stuff down and turned to face her. She was still watching me with a smirk and I could feel myself blushing and I was already wet. So I said "hiii" and she smiled and responded "hi, so today we're working on a few sentence translations. Do you think you're up for that?" I nodded my head yes knowing if I spoke that my voice would fail me and she responded "perfect."

We worked for about an hour and I was getting everything right so she decided to make it harder and I started getting frustrated. "Ugh. I don't get this, Ms. Romanoff. It's too hard." I said and she responded "come on, dorogoy, you got this. Just a little bit more and then we can take a break." I sighed and kept trying to translate the sentence and after a few moments, I finally got it. "Ms. Romanoff, I finally got it." I said while squealing and hugged her. I quickly pulled back and started blushing and said "I'm so sorry." She brushed the hair away on my face and tucked it behind my ear and gently cupped my check and said "It's completely okay. I'm proud of you. I knew you could do it." With a soft smile on her face. I muttered out a thank you while gazing into her gorgeous green eyes and every fiber of my being was telling me to lean in and press my lips to hers, but I couldn't move. I was frozen under her gaze. I could see a light blush forming on her face and her eyes kept darting back and forth from my eyes and my lips. Neither of us could stop at this point and our lips were about to touch until we heard a knock on Ms. Romanoff's door and another teacher walked in, my history teacher, Mr. Rogers. We both jumped back from each other and I quickly grabbed my bag and walked out before Ms. Romanoff could say anything. I was freaking out at this point. 'What the fuck did I just do? I hugged my teacher and we almost kissed? I'm so confused.' I rushed home and I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'She definitely knows I like her now, but she also leaned in. Does that mean she likes me back?' I kept going back and forth in my head 'no, you fool, why would your teacher like you back? She's older than you and she probably just got caught up in the moment. Yeah, that's what happened. But, what if it isn't? What if she wanted it just as much as I did?'

I decided to change into a pair of shorts and a tshirt and put my hair into a ponytail and go for a run to clear my mind.  I ended up running to the coffee shop in the city a few miles away. I got into the shop and walked up to the to the guy at the counter and ordered y/f/d. After I waiting a few minutes, I finally got my drink and went to put in some sugar and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder and a raspy feminine voice whisper in my ear "hey there, dorogoy."

A/N: If y'all have any requests or suggestions let me know. Thank you guys for reading!

Reminder: Remember to take some time for yourselves today and drink water! I hope you guys have an amazing day!!

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