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I have been unpacking for the last hour, all I could think about is what I was going to say to Harry.

"you know you don't have to just sit there in silence you can talk to me."

" I didn't want to disturb you from editing. anyway how are you?" It was small talk but it seemed to last ages. I put my last set of joggers away and sat on the bed. All of a sudden Harry got out of his bed and came to lay next to me, "um Harry everything ok?"

"Just shut up and come here. I have been waiting bloody ages to finally lie next to you and cuddle so shut up and cuddle up to me please" he gave me those eyes a child would give their parents in the shop if they wanted something, it was still a cute face though so I couldn't resist.

"Lou, I am so sorry to hear that that happened between you and your dad. I don't want to make you anymore upset but you know you always have me, I do care about you... like a lot," I smiled at him and it shook me abit that he said he cared a lot, harry wasn't that type of person "I have something to ask you. I was going to ask you over the phone but I wanted to do it in person, so Louise Eloise Minter..."

I lied there and knew exactly what he was about to ask, all the boys had been giving me hints about it. "Would you like to officially be my girlfriend? I know we said we was talking and that but I think its the right time and well I like you, well not like sorry let me try again. I love you Lou and I want you to be fine forever, so will you?"

"Of course I will you soppy little simp," I looked up and planted him a kiss on the lips "I LOVE YOU MR HARRY LEWIS!"

Simon, Josh and JJ had all came running in. "Have we just heard what we think we did?" I nooded and all 3 of them congratulated us.

sidebros and hoes (4 new messages)

louise_minter- guys, just wants to tell you that me and harry are now official together

tbjlz- so happy for you both

Behzinga- get in Bog!!!!!

Vikstar- we will always be here supporting you both, congrats guys:)

Everyone had one out to either the gym or get some last minute stuff for their sidemen shoot tomorrow so me and harry were the only ones in the house. We've been sat watching watching youtube together, I turned round and gave harry a kiss. we kept kissing and then I could feel him kiss down my neck, my fingers ran through his hair. I ran my fingers down his back and took his shirt off, he took mine off and then we had a great night.


urm hey yeah so im not good at writing soppy or them types of scenes so if anyone ever wants to help me with them dm me. hope everyone is safe and well

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