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Addison Cullen knew something was wrong with her adoptive brother the moment he completely brushed her off during the car ride home and she definitely didn't appreciate him almost hitting her with the door after he picked her up from the ballet st...

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Addison Cullen knew something was wrong with her adoptive brother the moment he completely brushed her off during the car ride home and she definitely didn't appreciate him almost hitting her with the door after he picked her up from the ballet studio all because he was in the middle of some tantrum but the last straw for Addison was when he rudely slapped her hand away from the radio. She was ready for confrontation but the moment the car stopped in the garage he was gone, she wasn't giving up easily quickly teleporting into the living room completely done with his attitude. "Edward Anthony Masen Cullen" Emmett almost fell off the couch when the tiny girls' surprising loud voice echoed through the living room, he honestly hated her teleportation powers at times, "either stop ignoring me or tell me what I've done to piss you off because I'm done with your attitude" her body was practically shaking showing just how angry she truly was. "Addison take a breathe and calm down" Carlisle tried placing a gentle hand on his daughter's shoulder only to be shrugged off "no I won't calm down, first he rudely dragged me out of Biology class, and then he tried to hit me with a door, if you have a problem then just tell me so I can fix it".

Edward didn't mean to take his anger out on his sister but he knew once he started talking about his problems they would only be more to follow so his only other option was leaving, "I'm going to the Denali's" his words made Addison's dark glare slighty soften, she knew this had to do with the new girl, she knew the girl was bad news and now was unconsciously pushing her brother to Alaska. "You- You can't just leave us without some explanation" Esme was torn not wanting to lose one of her children but it was obvious he had made up his mind. "Please don't go, Edward" once again he didn't mean to snap at the sad twin but he needed to leave and he thought if he pushed her away it would be easier, "can you do me a favor and not act clingy for once, honestly you're either always hanging off of Jasper or Alice, and when they're not around your bothering Rosalie, Emmett, and me, just stop and give us space to breathe".

Addison was pretty sure she could feel her heart shatter at Edward's words as she avoided eye-contact, "fine you wanna leave go ahead, I'm sorry for caring and being too clingy" her bottom lip began to tremble as venom pooled in her eyes making her quickly dash up the stairs before Edward could even apologize. "What is wrong with you- why would you say something like that" Alice broke the silence clearly upset at her brother "calling Addison clingy is like calling me crazyor calling Jasper a monster it really hurts us and you- you knew that" she shook her head in disappointment before making her way up the stairs to comfort her twin. "You better apologize to her" Jasper practically growled before following after the girl.

January 22nd, 2005

Addison practically snarled when Isabella glanced at the family table for the sixth time only to stop when Alice's hand rudely connected with the back of her head "hey be nice" she scolded making Addison childishly roll her eyes, "Alice I love you...

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Addison practically snarled when Isabella glanced at the family table for the sixth time only to stop when Alice's hand rudely connected with the back of her head "hey be nice" she scolded making Addison childishly roll her eyes, "Alice I love you but I can no longer be nice, ever since Mr. Molina moved me beside her in Biology she constantly stares at me and when Emmett texts me she asked if it's Edward like it's any of her business". "I swear one of these days I'm going to stab her with the scalpel instead of the stupid zombie worms" Jasper was quick to take away the plastic fork she was using to brutally stab her poor salad "remind me to keep sharp objects away from you" his teasing words making her slighty smile.

"I guess we all know who the spice twin is" Emmett teased making Rosalie chuckle as she sarcastically patted her husband's shoulder "oh no honey we've always known who the spice twin was" Alice enjoyed seeing all the tension leave her sister's bones at the pleasent joking. "As the supposed sugar twin I feel offended, I can be spicey" Addison couldn't help the laugh that fell from her lips as she leaned her forehead against Jasper's shoulder, her chest rattling with laughter along with the other Cullen's, "stop laughing at me I can be spicey". Addison wiped the venom from the corner of her eyes still giggling "oh Allie-Cat we all know you can be spicey just like I can be sweet but you will forever be the sweetest."

January 25th, 2005

Addison Cullen felt the human's eyes on her as she scribbled down the last notes about zombie worms and then she heard a quiet voice "where's Edward been" Addison's pencil halted for a moment before she contuined writing the last part of her parag...

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Addison Cullen felt the human's eyes on her as she scribbled down the last notes about zombie worms and then she heard a quiet voice "where's Edward been" Addison's pencil halted for a moment before she contuined writing the last part of her paragraph, "he's out of town for personal reasons" she made sure to add emphasis on the word personal making the human squirm in her seat. "Are you lying because I know I made him upset somehow" Addison gritted her teeth holding back a snarl as she began to pack her bag "I'm not lying, he's at our cousins in Alaska not that it's any of your business" she angrily slung her bag over her shoulder storming out of the classroom as the bell rang dismissing the class. Isabella sighed collecting her bookbag she couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't have one normal conversation with any of the Cullens.

"Oh no" Emmett was quick to duck behind Jasper when he saw the angry glare on Addison's face sure he was bigger than her but the twins were frightening when they were angry and he thought if he hid behind the girls' husband he would survive her wrath. "Please tell me you didn't stab someone" Alice whined not wanting to cover up another murder feeling relieved when her twin responded with an angry no. "Oh I thought about stabbing her, she tried to accuse me of lying about where Edward was like it's any of her business in the first place" Jasper was always well equipped for these situations, Jessica had a tendency to piss his wife off at times so he shoved Emmett away digging through the car for the seafoam green cup. "Drink this and calm down" Addison took the cup with a small smile leaning against her husband trying to calm her rising anger, "honestly Edward shouldn't have left us to clean up his mess" Rosalie growled as Addison took small sips of the blood feeling her anger slowly fade away. "It's not his fault, he- he just needed some time away".

Alice sighed gently rubbing her sister's arm "you haven't been returning his calls or texts" Addison was quick to avoid her sister's eyes, they all knew she was still upset about his words. "I don't want some fake apology over the phone, I would accept a handwritten letter, however," Rosalie gave the girl a small smile quickly dropping the sensitive subject of their brother "come on Ad you have ballet practice" the family climbed into the car well aware of the human staring at them as they drove past.

A/n~ There was a lot of angry Addison in this chapter which is only going to heighten when Edward comes back. Any Comments or Criticism are always welcome. <3 Jade

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